History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997
Truman Administration, 1947-1953
Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961
Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963
Johnson Administration, 1963-1969
Nixon Administration, 1969-1974
Ford Administration, 1974-1977
Carter Administration, 1977-1981
Reagan Administration, 1981-1989
Bush Administration, 1989-1992
Clinton Administration, 1993-1997
Appendix: Assistants to the President for Nationa1 Security Affairs 1953-1997 History of the National Security Council, 1947-1997 Summary
Since the end of World War II, each administration has sought to develop and perfect a reliable set of
executive institutions to manage national security policy. Each President has tried to avoid the problems and
deficiencies of his predecessors' efforts and install a policy-making and coordination system that reflected
his personal management style. The National Security Council (NSC) has been at the center of this foreign
policy coordination system, but it has changed many times to conform with the needs and inclinations of each
succeeding chief executive.
The National Security Act of July 26, 1947, created the National Security Council under the chairmanship of
the President, with the Secretaries of State and Defense as its key members, to coordinate foreign policy and
defense policy, and to reconcile diplomatic and military commitments and requirements. This major
legislation also provided for a Secretary of Defense, a National Military Establishment, Central Intelligence
Agency, and National Security Resources Board. The view that the NSC had been created to coordinate
political and military questions quickly gave way to the understanding that the NSC existed to serve the
President alone. The view that the Council's role was to foster collegiality among departments also gave way
to the need by successive Presidents to use the Council as a means of controlling and managing competing
The structure and functioning of the NSC depended in no small degree upon the interpersonal chemistry
between the President and his principal advisers and department heads. But despite the relationships
between individuals, a satisfactory organizational structure had to be developed, for without it the necessary
flow of information and implementation of decisions could not occur. Although a permanent staff gradually
began to take shape, the main substantive work occurred in the departments.
President Truman's NSC was dominated by the Department of State. President Eisenhower's predilection
for the military staff system, however, led to development of the NSC along those lines. The NSC staff
coordinated an elaborate structure for monitoring the implementation of policies. The NSC's Executive
Secretary became an assistant to the President, but was sufficiently self-effacing not to conflict with a
powerful Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles.
President Kennedy may have initially looked to a strong Secretary of State to take charge of foreign policy-making, but turned to other strategies when it became apparent that the Department of State did not have
sufficient authority over other departments. Kennedy, who preferred policy-making with ad hoc groups,
dismantled Eisenhower's elaborate NSC machinery and allowed the Special Assistant for National Security
Affairs and his staff to assume the primary coordination role. Kennedy's freewheeling style tended to erase
the distinction between policy-making and operations that President Eisenhower's regimented staff system
so carefully observed.
Sharing Kennedy's affinity for informal advisory arrangements, President Johnson let the NSC structure
atrophy still further and, like his predecessor, relied instead on the National Security Adviser and his staff and
various ad hoc groups and trusted friends. But he also consulted regularly with his Tuesday Lunch Group
and in 1966 officially turned over responsibility for the supervision and coordination of interdepartmental
activities overseas to the Secretary of State, with mixed results.
Under Presidents Nixon and Ford, Henry Kissinger's expanded NSC staff concentrated on acquiring
analytical information from the various departments that would allow the National Security Adviser to put
before the President the best possible range of options for decision. This system was in perfect accord with
President Nixon's preference for detailed written expositions rather than interpersonal groupings. Kissinger
concentrated on a handful of major issues and allowed some foreign matters to devolve by default on the
Department of State, while weapons and international financial questions were dealt with by the Departments
of Defense and the Treasury. Kissinger at first attempted to restore the separation between policy-making
and implementation, but eventually found himself personally performing both roles.
Under President Carter, the National Security Adviser became a principal source of foreign affairs ideas and
the NSC staff was recruited and managed with that in view. The Department of State provided institutional
memory and served as operations coordinator. Some saw this as an activism-conservatism duality, and the
press eventually picked up on the tensions that were present. The National Security Adviser's role as public
advocate rather than as custodian exacerbated the difficult relationships with State and other departments.
A collegial approach to government decision-making was emphasized in the Reagan administration. The
National Security Adviser was downgraded, and the Chief of Staff to the President exercised a coordinating
role in the White House. The collegiality among powerful department heads was not successfully maintained
and conflicts became public. The NSC staff tended to emerge as a separate, contending party.
President Bush brought his own considerable foreign policy experience to his leadership of the National
Security Council, and restored collegial relations among department heads. He reorganized the NSC
organization to include a Principals Committee, Deputies Committee, and eight Policy Coordinating
Committees. The NSC played an effective role during such major developments as the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the unification of Germany, and the deployment of American troops in Iraq and Panama. The Clinton
administration continued to emphasize a collegial approach within the NSC on national security matters. The
NSC membership was expanded to include the Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the
United Nations, the newly-created Assistant to the President for Economic Policy (who was also head of a
newly-created National Economic Council or NEC, parallel to the NSC), the President's Chief of Staff, and
the President's National Security Adviser.
For 50 years, 10 Presidents have sought to use the National Security Council system to integrate foreign and
defense policies in order to preserve the nation's security and advance its interests abroad. Recurrent
structural modifications over the years have reflected Presidential management style, changing requirements,
and personal relationships.
Truman Administration, 1947-1953
The National Security Council was created by Public Law 80(253, approved July 26, 1947, as part of a
general reorganization of the U.S. national security apparatus. Proponents of the reform realized that no
institutional means for the coordination of foreign and defense policy existed, and that the informal
management techniques employed by President Roosevelt during the war and President Truman after the
war were not suitable for the long haul. The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC) had been
established in 1944 at the Assistant Secretary-level, and by 1945 the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy
began holding weekly meetings. President Roosevelt had tended to trust White House aides like Harry
Hopkins and Admiral William D. Leahy to carry on necessary day-to-day coordination. President Truman for
a time relied upon Special White House Counsel Clark Clifford to provide the Hopkins(Leahy type of personal
coordination. Clifford, who was dismayed by the disorder among agencies taking major post-war policy-making decisions, was a key figure in establishing the National Security Council to give institutional stability
to national security policy-making.
The National Security Act of 1947 created the National Security Council under the chairmanship of the
President, with only the following seven officials as permanent members: the President, the Secretaries of
State, Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Chairman of the National Security Resources Board. The
President could designate "from time to time" the Secretaries of other executive departments and the
Chairmen of the Munitions Board and the Research and Development Board to attend meetings. While the
new Central Intelligence Agency was to report to the NSC, the Director of Central Intelligence was not a
member, although he attended meetings as an observer and resident adviser.
The function of the NSC as outlined in the 1947 act was to advise the President on integration of domestic,
foreign, and military policies relating to national security and to facilitate interagency cooperation. At the
President's direction, the NSC could also assess and appraise risks to U.S. national security, consider
policies, and then report or make recommendations to the President. The act created a small permanent
staff headed by a civilian Executive Secretary appointed by the President. In neither the National Security
Act of 1947 nor subsequent amendments was there provision for the position of National Security Adviser.
Initially, the permanent NSC staff had no substantive role in the formulation, let alone implementation, of
national security policies.
The NSC did, however, serve other purposes beyond its stated goal of advising on policy formulation. For
Forrestal and the Navy, who were opposed to a strongly-unified Department of Defense, it provided top-level
coordination of the three armed services without integration or unification. For Defense officials, it ensured
a continuing military voice in formulation of related foreign and domestic policies during peacetime. For
those, especially in Congress, who doubted Truman had adequate experience in foreign affairs or even
doubted his abilities in general, the NSC offered the hope of evolving into a collegial policy-making body to
reinforce the President.
Truman was clearly sensitive to this implied criticism and jealous of his prerogatives as Chief Executive. He
did not like the idea of Congress legislating who could advise him on national security. Truman, therefore,
kept the NSC at arm's length during its first 3 years. He attended the first session of the NSC on September
26, 1947, and then stayed away from all but 10 of the next 55 meetings. Truman continued to rely on a
succession of personal White House advisers (George M. Elsey, Rear Admiral Robert Dennison, and W.
Averell Harriman(to coordinate for him major foreign policy matters.
Initially, Truman named the Secretary of State as the ranking member of the Council in his absence and
expected the Department of State to play the major role in formulating policy recommendations. This
decision disappointed Defense officials who hoped that the Secretary of Defense would be allowed to preside
in the President's absence and had offered to locate the NSC staff in the Pentagon. Clifford managed to
resist Secretary of Defense Forrestal's efforts to gain control of the NSC. Procedures established during the
Truman administration set the basic bureaucratic pattern which lasted through the Eisenhower administration:
draft NSC papers written primarily by State's Policy Planning Staff, discussion at the NSC meeting, approval
by the President resulting in an NSC Action, and dissemination to relevant parts of the bureaucracy. During
its initial years, the NSC suffered from haphazard staffing and irregular meetings and was sometimes
bypassed entirely. The executive secretaries of the Council had no real authority or influence beyond
managing the staff process.
In 1949, the NSC was reorganized. Truman directed the Secretary of the Treasury to attend all meetings
and Congress amended the National Security Act of 1947 to eliminate the three service secretaries from
Council membership and add the Vice President(who assumed second rank from the Secretary of State(and
the Joint Chiefs of Staff who became permanent advisers to the Council. NSC standing committees were
created to deal with sensitive issues such as internal security. The NSC staff consisted of three groups: the
Executive Secretary and his staff who managed the paper flow; a staff, made up of personnel on detail,
whose role was to develop studies and policy recommendations (headed by the Coordinator from the
Department of State); and the Consultants to the Executive Secretary who acted as chief policy and
operational planners for each department or agency represented on the NSC.
Even Truman's overhaul of the machinery in 1949 did not create a National Security Council that fulfilled the
role originally envisioned. Truman was partly to blame. He insisted on going outside NSC channels for
national security advice, relying directly on his Secretaries of State and Defense, and increasingly on the
Bureau of the Budget. Attendance at NSC meetings gradually increased to a point where the Council
became too large for free discussion and degenerated into a bureaucratic battleground of departmental
rivalries. NSC lines of authority, never clear, became increasingly blurred. By not attending most NSC
meetings, Truman ensured that Council members would seek him out to press their own viewpoints privately.
In 1949, events reinforced the need for better coordination of national security policy: NATO was formed,
military assistance for Europe was begun, the Soviet Union detonated an atomic bomb, and the Communists
gained control in China. The Department of State seized the opportunity to review U.S. strategic policy and
military programs, overcoming opposition from Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson and his allies in the
Bureau of the Budget. Initially sidestepping formal NSC channels, State won approval of an ad hoc
interdepartmental committee under its Policy Planning head, Paul Nitze. Their report, NSC 68, was
submitted directly to Truman in February 1950, who sent it to the NSC for a cost analysis. An NSC
committee authorized to consider costs and broader implications of NSC 68 began its work, but before it
could be completed the Korean war broke out.
The war in Korea dramatically changed the functioning of the NSC under Truman. Thereafter the Council
met every Thursday and the President attended all but 7 of its 71 remaining meetings. Truman limited
attendance to statutory members plus the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the JCS, the Director
of Central Intelligence, two special advisers (Averell Harriman and Sidney Souers), and the NSC Executive
The Secretariat was retained, but the Staff and the Consultants were eliminated in favor of a Senior
Staff--Assistant Secretary level or higher(supported by Staff Assistants. Truman reiterated that the NSC was
to be the channel for all important national security recommendations. During the first year of the Korean
war, the NSC came as close as it ever did under Truman to fulfilling that role. Nonetheless, Truman still
looked outside the formal NSC mechanism for advice and recommendations, relying on the NSC as much
for staffing and coordination of interdepartmental views as for primary recommendations.
Truman made additional structural changes in the NSC in late 1950 and in 1951. He directed the head of
the newly-created Office of Defense Mobilization to attend NSC meetings and then made him a member of
the Senior Staff. With the Mutual Security Act of 1951, the newly-created Director for Mutual Security
(Harriman) became a statutory member with the right to appoint a Senior Staff member. The Bureau of the
Budget sent a representative to some Senior Staff meetings. In 1951, the Psychological Strategy Board
(PSB), made up of the deputies at State and Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence, was created
to coordinate the response to Soviet unconventional Cold War tactics. The PSB worked closely with the NSC
in managing America's covert psychological counterattack. In his retirement President Truman denied any
responsibility for "cloak and dagger operations" but it was during his Presidency that covert intelligence
operations in support of foreign policy objectives was undertaken on an ever broadening scale. The NSC's
first action (NSC 1/1) authorized covert action in the Italian elections. The formal institutionalization of covert
actions was established as NSC 4 in December 1947, and NSC 10/2 of June 1948.
During Truman's last year, the Council and the Senior Staff met less frequently and NSC activity abated.
Much interdepartmental planning on the NSC books was never completed by the end of the Truman
administration. During this period, the NSC reflected Truman's sense of frustration as a lame-duck President
caught in a stalemated war.
Eisenhower Administration, 1953-1961
Under President Eisenhower, the National Security Council system evolved into the principal arm of the
President in formulating and executing policy on military, international, and internal security affairs. Where
Truman was uncomfortable with the NSC system and only made regular use of it under the pressure of the
Korean war, Eisenhower embraced the NSC concept and created a structured system of integrated policy
review. With his military background, Eisenhower had a penchant for careful staff work, and believed that
effective planning involved a creative process of discussion and debate among advisers compelled to work
toward agreed recommendations.
The genesis of the new NSC system was a report prepared for the President in March 1953 by Robert Cutler,
who became the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs. Cutler proposed a systematic flow
of recommendation, decision, and implementation that he later described as the "policy hill" process. At the
bottom of the hill, concerned agencies such as State and Defense produced draft policy recommendations
on specific topics and worked for consensus at the agency level. These draft NSC papers went up the hill
through the Planning Board, created to review and refine the recommendations before passing them on for
full NSC consideration. The NSC Planning Board met on Tuesday and Friday afternoons and was composed
of officials at the Assistant Secretary level from the agencies with permanent or standing representation on
the Council, as well as advisers from the JCS and CIA. Hundreds of hours were spent by the Board
reviewing and reconstructing proposed papers for the NSC. Cutler resigned in 1958 in exhaustion. The top
of the foreign policy-making hill was the NSC itself, chaired by the President, which met regularly on Thursday
The Council consisted of the five statutory members: the President, Vice President, Secretaries of State and
Defense, and Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization. Depending on the subject under discussion, as
many as a score of other senior Cabinet members and advisers, including the Secretary of the Treasury, the
Chairman of the JCS, and the Director of Central Intelligence, attended and participated. The agenda
included regular briefings by the Director of Central Intelligence on worldwide developments affecting U.S.
security, and consideration of the policy papers advanced by the Planning Board. The upshot of the
discussions were recommendations to the President in the form of NSC Actions. The President, who
participated in the discussion, normally endorsed the NSC Action, and the decision went down the hill for
implementation to the Operations Coordinating Board.
President Eisenhower created the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) to follow up on all NSC decisions.
The OCB met regularly on Wednesday afternoons at the Department of State, and was composed of the
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Directors of CIA, USIA, and
ICA, and the Special Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs and Security Operations
Coordination. The OCB was the coordinating and implementing arm of the NSC for all aspects of the
implementation of national security policy. NSC action papers were assigned to a team from the OCB for
follow-up. More than 40 interagency working groups were established with experts for various countries and
subjects. This 24-person staff of the OCB supported these working groups in which officials from various
agencies met each other for the first time.
The President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, a post held under Eisenhower by Cutler, Dillon
Anderson, William H. Jackson, and Gordon Gray, oversaw the flow of recommendations and decisions up
and down the policy hill, and functioned in Council meetings to brief the Council and summarize the sense
of discussion. The Special Assistant was an essential facilitator of the decision-making system, but, unlike
the National Security Adviser created under Kennedy, had no substantive role in the process. The NSC staff
managed by the Special Assistant grew during the Eisenhower years, but again had no independent role in
the policy process.
President Eisenhower had great confidence in the efficacy of covert operations as a viable supplement or
alternative to normal foreign policy activities. The seeming clear success of the operations to overthrow
Iranian populist leader Mossadegeh in 1953 and the left-leaning President Arbenz in Guatemala in 1954 was
not without their crisis moments in the White House. In 1954 NSC 5412 provided for the establishment of
a panel of designated representatives of the President and the Secretaries of State and Defense to meet
regularly to review and recommend covert operations. Gordon Gray assumed the chairmanship of the "5412
Committee" as it was called, and all succeeding National Security Advisers have chaired similar successor
committees, variously named "303", "40", "Special Coordinating Committee," which, in later Presidential
administrations, were charged with the review of CIA covert operations.
President Eisenhower also created the position of staff secretary with the responsibility to screen all foreign
policy and military documents coming to the President. While Colonel Andrew Goodpaster held this position,
he tended to eclipse the Special Assistant for National Security.
The strength of the NSC system under Eisenhower was that it provided for regular, fully-staffed, interagency
review of major foreign and national security issues, culminating in discussion and decision at the highest
level of government. The resulting Presidentially-approved NSC papers provided policy guidance at every
level of implementation. Eisenhower felt that the regular policy discussions kept his principal advisers fully
informed, in step with one another, and prepared to react knowledgeably in the event of crisis. His
commitment to the system was such that he chaired every Council meeting he could attend (329 of a total
of 366). The NSC meetings, including prior briefings and subsequent review of NSC Actions, constituted the
largest single item on his weekly agenda.
Secretary of State Dulles, on the other hand, had reservations about the NSC system. He was the strongest
personality in the Eisenhower Cabinet and jealously guarded his role as principal adviser to the President on
foreign policy. He had constant, direct access to the President and did not feel that some of the most
sensitive issues should be discussed in groups as large as were involved in most NSC meetings. He drew
a sharp line between the NSC policy review process and the day-to-day operations of foreign policy, which
he maintained were the province of the Department of State. Dulles and his deputies were not comfortable
with the scope the NSC review system gave to Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, another strong
figure in the Cabinet, to intrude budgetary limitations into policy considerations. And Dulles successfully
resisted a proposal to substitute the Vice President for the Under Secretary of State as chairman of the OCB,
arguing that such a change would impinge on his role as principal adviser to the President on foreign policy.
Critics of the Eisenhower NSC system have argued that it was inflexible, overstaffed, unable to anticipate
and react to immediate crises, and weighed down by committees reporting in great detail on long checklists
of minor policy concerns. The most thorough critique of the system emerged from the hearings conducted
in 1960(1961 by the Senate Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery, known as the Jackson
Subcommittee for its chairman, Senator Henry Jackson. Cutler and NSC Executive Secretary James Lay
testified in support of the effectiveness of the system, but their testimony was offset by that of former Truman
administration officials such as George Kennan, Paul Nitze, and Robert Lovett. They argued that foreign
policy was being made by a passive President influenced by a National Security Council rendered virtually
useless by ponderous, bureaucratic machinery. Basically, they argued, the NSC was a huge committee, and
suffered from all the weaknesses of committees. Composed of representatives of many agencies, its
members were not free to adopt the broad, statesmanlike attitude desired by the President, but, rather, were
ambassadors of their own departments, clinging to departmental rather than national views. To make matters
worse, critics added, the NSC system by its very nature was restricted to continuing and developing already
established policies and was incapable of originating new ideas or major innovations. The critics suggested
replacement of the formal, "over-institutionalized" NSC structure with a smaller, less formal NSC which would
offer the President a clear choice of alternatives on a limited number of major problems.
Eisenhower was certainly not a passive President, dominated on foreign policy and national security issues
by his Secretary of State. In fact, Eisenhower was actively in command of his administration, and the NSC
system met his instincts and requirements. There is substance in the criticism that the Eisenhower NSC
became to some extent the prisoner of a rigidly bureaucratic process, but the criticism misses the point that
Eisenhower and Dulles did not attempt to manage fast-breaking crises or day-to-day foreign policy through
the NSC apparatus. An examination of several of the major foreign policy problems that confronted the
Eisenhower administration reveals that the NSC system was used to manage some and was virtually
bypassed in others. When the question involved a policy debate between departments with strongly-held,
contending positions, as it did in the case of the debate between the Departments of State and Defense in
1956(1957 over whether to introduce a more modern generation of weapons into Korea, the NSC process
focused debate and produced an agreed decision after discussion of three draft policy papers.
Crisis situations, however, such as the Suez crisis of 1956, the off-shore island crises of 1955 and 1958, and
the Lebanon crisis of 1958, were typically managed through telephone conversations between Eisenhower,
Dulles, and other principal advisers, and through small meetings with the President in the White House,
normally involving Dulles and other concerned advisers. Eisenhower sometimes used trusted NSC staffers
to serve as an intermediary to gain information outside the chain of command as he did with Colonel
Goodpaster during the Quemoy crisis in 1955. There was great similarity between this process of crisis
management and that adopted by subsequent Presidents, such as Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, except
for the fact that the ad hoc meetings in the Eisenhower White House did not involve a National Security
Adviser as a substantive participant. And in the event that aspects of crisis management depended on
contact with the critical man-on-the-spot, as it did in 1958 when Deputy Under Secretary of State Robert
Murphy was dispatched to Lebanon to attempt to defuse the crisis, his instructions came from the
Department of State and he reported to the Secretary of State rather than directly to the White House, as
became the practice during the height of the Vietnam conflict.
When Eisenhower briefed President-elect Kennedy on the NSC system, and when Gray briefed his successor
McGeorge Bundy, they emphasized the importance of the NSC machinery in the management of foreign
policy and national security affairs. They might have been more persuasive had they pointed to the fact that
the NSC system was essentially limited to policy review and was not used to manage crises or day-to-day
foreign policy.
Kennedy Administration, 1961-1963
President Kennedy, who was strongly influenced by the report of the Jackson Subcommittee and its severe
critique of the Eisenhower NSC system, moved quickly at the beginning of his administration to deconstruct
the NSC process and simplify the foreign policy-making process and make it more intimate. In a very short
period after taking office, the new President moved to reduce the NSC staff from 74 to 49, limit the
substantive officers to 12, and hold NSC meetings much less frequently while sharply curtailing the number
of officers attending. The Operation Coordination Board was abolished, and the NSC was, at the President's
insistence, pulled back from monitoring the implementation of policies. The coordination of foreign policy
decisions was ostensibly left to the State Department (and other agencies as necessary).
McGeorge Bundy's appointment as the President's National Security Adviser inaugurated this position as it
has essentially continued down to the present. The definition of Bundy's responsibilities and authority
unfolded and grew during the Kennedy presidency. Bundy's considerable intellectual and bureaucratic
abilities as well as close personal relationship with the new President contributed much to evolution of the
National Security Adviser position and the new role of the NSC. In a letter to Senator Jackson in September
1961 Bundy sought to define the early relationship sought with the State Department.
". . . the President has made it very clear that he does not want a large, separate organization between him
and his Secretary of State. Neither does he wish any question to arise as to the clear authority and
responsibility of the Secretary of State, not only in his own Department, and not only in such large-scale
related areas as foreign aid and information policy, but also as the agent of coordination in all our major
policies toward other nations."
The Department of State's apparent failure effectively to coordinate the administration's response to the Bay
of Pigs crisis in early 1961 led to a series of measures aimed at providing the President with better
independent advice from the government. It also sparked the NSC process to reenter the arena of monitoring
the implementation of policy. The most important step in this direction was the establishment of the Situation
Room in the White House in 1962. The Sit Room, located next to Bundy's office in the basement of the West
Wing of the White House, was directly linked to all the communication channels of the State Department and
the Department of Defense, as well as to some of the channels of the CIA. The Sit Room allowed the
President and his foreign affairs advisers to keep abreast of all the cable traffic from overseas posts. More
than anything else, the Sit Room allowed Bundy and his NSC staff to expand their involvement in the
international activities of foreign affairs community and become, in essence, "a little State Department."
As National Security Adviser, Bundy divided his work with his Deputy, Walt Rostow (and later Carl Kaysen).
While Bundy dealt with the immediate day-to-day crises and the range of European affairs, Rostow focused
upon long-term planning with a particular concentration on Latin American affairs. Kaysen focused upon
foreign trade and economic affairs matters that became increasingly important in the latter part of the
Kennedy Presidency.
In addition to Bundy and the NSC staff, President Kennedy reached out still further for foreign affairs advice.
Early in 1961 the President appointed General Maxwell Taylor to serve as his military representative and
provide liaison with the government agencies and defense and intelligence establishments on military-political
issues confronting the administration. Taylor in effect took up the role filled by Admiral Leahy in the
Roosevelt White House. General Taylor advised the President on military matters, intelligence, and Cold War
planning and paid special attention to the continuing Berlin crisis and growing difficulties in Indochina. The
Taylor(Rostow mission to Indochina at the end of 1961 and the resulting report led to military decisions on
aid to South Vietnam and the entry of the United States into the Vietnamese quagmire. Taylor had a very
personal connection with the President and was not replaced in 1962 when he left. But in 1962 Kennedy
appointed former State Department Under Secretary Chester Bowles to serve as his Special Adviser on
Foreign Affairs. Bowles had not survived conflicts with Secretary of State Rusk and his appointment to the
White House was partly compensatory. His brief was seemingly intended to be the development of policy
toward the Third World, but after a year he left Washington to become Ambassador to India.
The NSC continued to meet during the Kennedy Presidency, but far less frequently than had been the case
under his predecessor. It met 15 times during the first 6 months of 1961, then averaged one meeting a
month for the rest of his Presidency, reaching a total of 49 meetings. "Much that used to flow routinely to
the weekly meetings of the Council is now settled in other ways, Bundy reported in September 1961. Some
of the NSC activities were taken up by a smaller, more select body called the Standing Group. This small
NSC coordinating panel was chaired by the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and included the
Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence, and Bundy. It considered a wide range
of foreign affairs issues at 14 meetings the last of which was in August 1962. The Standing Group resumed
in April 1963 with Bundy as its chairman and with the added membership of the Attorney General, the
Chairman of the JCS, the Under Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of USIA, and Administrator of AID.
It also met 14 times during the remainder of the Kennedy Presidency.
The Kennedy administration abandoned the Eisenhower-era efforts at long-range planning in favor of a heavy
reliance upon ad hoc inter-agency working groups functioning in a "crisis management" atmosphere. The
leadership in these special groups did not automatically fall to the State Department. Trusted officials from
other agencies or outside the foreign affairs community often took the lead. There were special groups on
counter-insurgency (chaired by General Taylor), on Vietnam, and the Berlin crisis, the latter presided over
by former Secretary of State Dean Acheson. The Executive Committee of the National Security Council
(ExCom) was established in the autumn of 1962 to manage the emerging Cuban Missile Crisis. A much
smaller group than the NSC, it consisted of the President as chairman, the Vice President, the Secretaries
of State, Defense, and the Treasury, the Attorney General (the President's brother), the Director of Central
Intelligence, and Chairman of the JCS as well as National Security Adviser Bundy. After the missile crisis
was successful weathered, the ExCom continued to meet with Cuba as its primary subject but with
discussions of other matters during its 42 meetings between October 1962 and March 1963.
U.S. covert actions and paramilitary activity during the Kennedy administration were administered generally
outside the NSC system. Following the Bay of Pigs fiasco in early 1961, the President reconstituted the 5412
Committee that monitored covert actions as the Special Group. Chaired by National Security Adviser Bundy,
the new body included the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and
Under Secretaries from the State and Defense Departments. This body reviewed and endorsed a number
of covert action projects in the first 2 years of the Kennedy Presidency. President Kennedy also added to
the responsibilities of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), originally created by
President Eisenhower in 1956. Kennedy met with the Board 12 times and conferred frequently with individual
members. The Board reviewed a wide range of intelligence matters and made some 120 recommendations
to the President.
In effect, Bundy had the first and last words on policy. He worked in close proximity to the President who
valued highly his competence and opinions; he served on most major ad hoc committees and the Executive
Committee, and he attended the occasional formal meetings of the National Security Council. It is possible
to overemphasize Bundy's substantive skewing of Presidential policy formulation. Most observers credited
him with being scrupulously fair in presenting opinions of the agencies to the President, even when they
conflicted with his own. He offered his views to Kennedy only when specifically asked. Bundy's influence
was oblique rather than direct. Essentially, he served an administrative function and did not seek to advance
a personal overview of American security and foreign policy. The most significant aspect of Bundy's tenure
as Kennedy's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs was that he headed an aggressive Presidential
staff that believed its job was to protect the President's interests, provide him with independent advice, and
lead a recalcitrant bureaucracy toward his policies. In addition, Bundy was an effective channel to the
President for his activist staff.
Johnson Administration, 1963-1969
The abrupt transition of power to the Johnson administration brought no dramatic change in the formal role
of the National Security Council. Like Kennedy, Johnson much preferred small, informal advisory meetings
to large Council meetings supported by an elaborately organized staff. According to one of his aides,
Johnson felt the NSC was "not a live institution, not suited to precise debate for the sake of decision."
Moreover, Johnson thought NSC meetings were prone to leaks--they were "like sieves," he once
remarked--and he inherited advisers who shared his views. Secretary of State Dean Rusk later observed
that during the Kennedy Presidency neither he nor Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara liked to "get into
much discussion" in the NSC with "so many people sitting around the room" and the possibility of leaks so
Despite his misgivings about the Council, Johnson started out convening it fairly regularly, about every 2
weeks on average during his first 11 months in office. The sessions dealt with a broad range of issues but
were relatively brief in duration and, after May 1964, consisted largely of briefings. With the approach of the
Presidential election in November, Johnson suspended NSC meetings, but then in early 1965 he shifted
gears. From February 1965 through mid-1966 he convened the NSC almost exclusively to discuss Vietnam,
doing so irregularly and, following a flurry of meetings in February 1965, infrequently. Several participants
later charged that Johnson used the NSC during 1965 not to consult on Vietnam as he committed major U.S.
ground forces but to "rubber stamp" decisions made beforehand. The other major foreign policy crisis of the
period, the intervention in the Dominican Republic during April and May 1965, was not brought before the
Council at all.
As the Council's formal advisory role diminished, so too did its institutional support. Johnson treated the NSC
staff as a personal staff, and dropped meetings of the NSC Standing Group, which convened intermittently
under Kennedy to deal with planning and operations problems. Official records of Council actions were
discontinued, and National Security Action Memorandums, which Kennedy had instituted to inform
government agencies of Presidential decisions requiring follow-up action, were issued with decreasing
frequency. Whereas Kennedy had issued 272 NSAMs in less than three years, Johnson issued 46 in 1964,
35 during 1965 and 1966, and a mere 14 during his final 2 years in office.
Disinclined to use the Council meetings for advice, Johnson, like Kennedy, relied heavily on his National
Security Advisers: McGeorge Bundy, who remained in office through February 1966, and Bundy's successor,
Walt Rostow, who served to the end of the administration. Indeed, scholars looking at the evolution of the
NSC from its inception to the 1970s contend that the National Security Adviser and his White House centered
staff increasingly assumed a more prominent role than the official National Security Council and that Johnson,
like Kennedy before him, played a key role in this development. Focusing on Johnson's Presidency alone,
however, some of his advisers, including Secretary of State Rusk and Walt Rostow, insisted that the
Council's advisory role was actually performed principally by another institution, the Tuesday Lunch Group,
and that those lunch meetings were in effect regular NSC meetings.
The small, informal, Tuesday luncheon meetings were much more to Johnson's liking than formal NSC
meetings and quickly gained a prominent place in the decision-making process. Embracing the Secretaries
of State and Defense and the National Security Adviser, the Tuesday Lunch Group met 27 times between
February and September 1964. In all Johnson convened some 160 Tuesday luncheons during his
Presidency, and the group was gradually expanded to include his press secretary, the Director of Central
Intelligence, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The participants uniformly praised the "strong
collegial sense" at the meetings and the opportunity for "extraordinary candor," but subordinates often
complained that the secrecy and informality that encouraged candor also made it hard for them to prepare
their superiors properly for the meetings and implement the decisions that were reached.
Upon succeeding Bundy as National Security Adviser in 1966, Rostow came to grips with the issue of how
to make effective use of the formal Council, which by then was virtually moribund. He advised Johnson
neither to pretend to use the Council meetings for making major decisions nor to focus on day-to-day
operations. Instead he proposed regular, "anticipatory-type" sessions devoted, as Johnson explained at the
first of the new series, to "discussion of complex problems requiring careful exploration before they were to
come to him for decision." Clearly intended to complement rather than challenge the primary advisory roles
of the Tuesday luncheons and the National Security Adviser and his staff, NSC meetings for the balance of
the administration considered a broad range of anticipated rather than pressing issues and gave little
attention to Vietnam. As one NSC staff member put it, Council members now convened for "reflective and
educational discussions, rather than decision-making meetings."
When not relying for advice and support on the Tuesday Lunch Group and the National Security Adviser and
his small staff, Johnson turned to a variety of ad hoc groups and trusted friends inside and outside the
government. Following the outbreak of the Six Day War, for example, he established an NSC Special
Committee, modeled on the NSC Executive Committee that met during the Cuban Missile Crisis, to
coordinate U.S. policy in the Middle East for several weeks. But none of these arrangements substituted
fully for the functions that the NSC's Planning Board and the Operations Coordinating Board provided under
In March 1966 the Johnson White House sought to remedy this situation through issuance of NSAM 341, the
brainchild of General Maxwell Taylor. NSAM 341 assigned the Secretary of State official responsibility for
the overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities overseas and created a
mechanism to carry out the responsibility consisting of the Senior Interdepartmental Group (SIG), chaired
by the Under Secretary of State, and several Interdepartmental Regional Groups (IRGs) beneath it, each
chaired by an Assistant Secretary of State. But following a fast-paced start, the SIG entered a period of
quiescence that saw it meet only three times from late July 1966 to mid-July 1967, reflecting in part Under
Secretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach's initial hesitancy to exploit its possibilities upon taking office in
October 1966. The SIG gained new vitality in mid-1967, however, and together with the more active IRGs
played a complementary and supporting role to the Secretary of State and the NSC, especially in easing the
burdens of the national security adviser and his staff with respect to interagency coordination and follow-up.
The innovations of a Presidential administration often do not survive its close, reflecting as they do the
distinctive views and management style of the President and his immediate advisers. The close of the
Johnson administration brought an end to several of the adaptations it had made to manage foreign policy:
Tuesday luncheons, anticipatory-type NSC meetings, and the SIG/IRG structure.
Nixon Administration, 1969-1974
President Nixon and his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, dominated the making of U.S. foreign
policy during the Nixon Presidency. As Nixon recalled in his memoirs: "From the outset of my administration,
. . . I planned to direct foreign policy from the White House. Therefore I regarded my choice of a National
Security Adviser as crucial." Henry Kissinger worked through a National Security Council apparatus he
revised and fashioned to serve his needs and objectives and those of the President. The close relationship
between the President and the National Security Adviser was the basis for their ability to carry out American
foreign affairs leadership around the world. The National Security Council system was the mechanism for
the period of unprecedented American activism in foreign policy and the exercise of Kissinger's growing
power. Kissinger wrote later that "in the final analysis the influence of a Presidential Assistant derives almost
exclusively from the confidence of the President, not from administrative arrangements." The two men
developed a conceptual framework that would guide foreign policy decisions. Kissinger's intellectual ability,
his ambition, and his frequent discussions with Nixon were all factors in increasing within the government
both his own power and the unchallenged authority of the NSC system he personally directed.
The Kissinger NSC system sought to combine features of the Johnson and Eisenhower systems. The Senior
Interdepartment Group (SIG) of the Johnson White House was replaced by an NSC Review Group
(somewhat similar to the Eisenhower-era NSC Planning Group) together with an NSC Under Secretary's
Committee. The Kissinger NSC relied upon interdepartmental working groups (IGs) to prepare for NSC
directives. Critics observed that 10 IG meetings prepared the way for each SIG-level meeting, and 5 SIG
meetings were needed to prepare for each NSC meeting.
White House direction of foreign policy meant the eclipse of the Department of State and Secretary William
Rogers. Nixon did not trust the Department bureaucracy. According to Kissinger, Nixon picked Rogers, who
was inexperienced in foreign affairs, to indicate that the President would dominate the relationship between
the NSC and the Department of State. Throughout Nixon's first term, only Kissinger participated in the
President's important discussions with foreign state visitors. Nixon excluded Rogers from his first meeting
with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin in February 1969. The NSC also took control of the process of
clearing key policy cables to overseas posts. Kissinger and Rogers became rivals and developed formal
contacts in place of substantive discussions.
The NSC(Department of State power relationship was reflected in institutional arrangements. During the
transition period before Nixon assumed power, Kissinger recommended that the NSC be buttressed by a
structure of subcommittees to draft analyses of policy that would present clear decision options to the
President. The National Security Adviser was to be chairman of a Review Group to screen interagency
papers before their presentation to the full NSC chaired by the President. Nixon insisted on the abolition of
the SIG chaired by the Department of State. These recommendations were incorporated in National Security
Decision Memorandum (NSDM) 2, issued shortly after Nixon's inauguration on January 20, 1969. NSDM
2 was rightly perceived as a victory for Kissinger and helped to establish his foreign policy authority at the
outset of the administration.
Kissinger moved quickly to establish the policy dominance of the NSC. He expanded its staff from 12 to 34;
not only was it the cadre for his centralized policy-making, but it was also his antennae throughout the
bureaucratic structure. In the President's name, Kissinger set the NSC agendas and issued the numerous
National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM) that set forth the precise needs for interagency policy papers.
An NSC Under Secretaries Committee, chaired by the Deputy Secretary of State, gradually withered away.
By the time the increasingly complicated committee structure was settled, Kissinger chaired six NSC-related
committees: the Senior Review Group (non-crisis, non-arms control matters), the Washington Special Actions
Group (serious crises), the Verification Panel (arms control negotiations), the 40 Committee (clandestine
operations), the Intelligence Committee (policy for the intelligence community), and the Defense Program
Review Committee (relation of the defense budget to foreign policy aims).
Nixon also increasingly bypassed the Department of State to supervise personally sensitive negotiations in
order to avoid what he and President Nixon agreed were likely bureaucratic disputes and inertia. The
President made clear that he wanted the National Security Adviser to conduct important matters directly out
of his office. Nearly every foreign ambassador called upon Kissinger at least once. With Soviet Ambassador
Dobrynin, Kissinger maintained a special relationship that completely bypassed the Department of State and
Secretary Rogers. Dobrynin was told by Kissinger to deal with the Secretary of State only on a limited range
of less vital matters. Kissinger also maintained similar relationships with Chinese leader Chou En-lai and
Israeli Ambassador Rabin.
In carrying on his activist, operational undertakings, Kissinger relied upon special controlled communications.
CIA communications were used for his "back channel" messages so that the Department of State was kept
in the dark. He also used the White House Communication Agency including the use of special aircraft as
communication centers. With his negotiations in Paris in 1971 regarding Vietnam, with Israelis and Arabs
after 1973, and with the Soviet Union in advance of summit meetings, Kissinger was a traveling negotiator,
and the NSC was a system on the move. Jeanne Davis, the NSC Executive Secretary, also facilitated the
handling of sensitive correspondence by propelling the NSC staff into the computer age with a document
tracking system unheard of by Kissinger's predecessors.
The waning of Nixon's power during the Watergate affair further increased Kissinger's influence. On
September 22, 1973, Kissinger became Secretary of State, replacing Rogers. For the first time, one
individual held simultaneously the positions of National Security Adviser and Secretary of State.
Under these unique circumstances, Kissinger strengthened his institutional base as the administration's
principal foreign policy adviser. Kissinger later admitted, however, that the union of the two positions did not
work. Department of State representatives were his subordinates while he wore his Secretary of State hat.
When he chaired a meeting, they had to represent his point of view or else all interdepartmental matters
would be outside his control. Kissinger indicated he was in an inherently absurd position of either pushing
his Department's views as chairman or dissociating himself from his subordinates.
Ford Administration, 1974-1977
President Ford, who assumed office in August 1974, was relatively inexperienced in foreign affairs. He
therefore relied almost exclusively on Kissinger's expertise and advice. During 1975, however, there
developed strong public and congressional disapproval of the accretion of so much power over foreign policy
in the hands of one man. As part of a Cabinet shakeup on November 3, 1975, Ford named Lieutenant
General Brent Scowcroft, Kissinger's deputy at the NSC, as National Security Adviser.
Kissinger was at first resentful of the loss of his unique, dual position. He soon discovered, however, as he
wrote in his memoirs, that Scowcroft's appointment in no way diminished his real power within the
administration because he kept Ford's confidence and unlimited access, and Scowcroft in no way sought to
advocate policies in competition with the Secretary of State. Kissinger continued to have a cordial
relationship with Scowcroft, and both men exchanged ideas constantly. In turn, Scowcroft was content to
operate in a quiet, unobtrusive way. He took seriously the NSC obligation to present the President with clear
analyses and options for decision. He managed a toned-down version of the Kissinger NSC system that was
compatible with the Secretary of State's role as the President's chief foreign policy adviser. Many of the most
aggressive members of Kissinger's NSC team also made the move to State, allowing Scowcroft to fashion
a staff that reflected the new relationships.
Carter Administration, 1977-1981
Carter began his term determined to eliminate the abuses he ascribed to the Kissinger NSC under Nixon and
Ford. He believed that Kissinger had amassed too much power during his tenure as NSC Adviser and
Secretary of State, and effectively shielded his Presidents from competing viewpoints within the foreign policy
establishment. Carter resolved to maintain his access to a broad spectrum of information by more fully
engaging his Cabinet officers in the decision-making process. He envisaged the role of the National Security
Council to be one of policy coordination and research, and reorganized the NSC structure to ensure that the
NSC Adviser would be only one of many players in the foreign policy process. Carter chose Zbigniew
Brzezinski for the position of National Security Adviser because he wanted an assertive intellectual at his side
to provide him with day-to-day advice and guidance on foreign policy decisions.
Initially, Carter reduced the NSC staff by one-half and decreased the number of standing NSC committees
from eight to two. All issues referred to the NSC were reviewed by one of the two new committees, either
the Policy Review Committee (PRC) or the Special Coordinating Committee (SCC). The PRC focused on
specific issues that fell largely within the jurisdiction of one department. Its chairmanship rotated to whichever
department head had primary responsibility for the issue, most often the Department of State, and committee
membership was frequently expanded as circumstances warranted.
Unlike the Policy Review Committee, the Special Coordinating Committee was always chaired by the NSC
Adviser. Carter believed that by making the NSC Adviser chairman of only one of the two committees, he
would prevent the NSC from being the overwhelming influence on foreign policy decisions. The SCC was
charged with considering issues that cut across several departments, including oversight of intelligence
activities, arms control evaluation, and crisis management. Much of the SCC's time during the Carter years
was spent on SALT issues.
President Carter changed the name of the documents in the decision-making process, although the
mechanics of NSC review differed little from that of previous administrations. The Presidential Review
Memorandum (PRM) replaced the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM), and the Presidential
Directive (PD) supplanted the National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM). PRMs identified topics to
be researched by the NSC, defined the problem to be analyzed, set a deadline for the completion of the
study, and assigned responsibility for it to one of the two NSC committees. If the selected committee were
the Policy Review Committee, a member was designated to serve as study chairman. The study chairman
assigned an ad hoc working group to complete the study, which was ultimately reviewed by the responsible
committee (either the PRC or SCC). When the committee was satisfied that the study had incorporated
meaningful options and supporting arguments, the study's conclusions went to the President in a 2- or 3-page
memorandum, which in turn formed the basis for a Presidential Directive.
The actual operation of the NSC under Carter was less structured than under previous Presidents. The
Council held few formal meetings, convening only 10 times, compared with 125 meetings during the 8 years
of the Nixon and Ford administrations. Instead, Carter used frequent, informal meetings as a decision-making device, typically his Friday breakfasts, usually attended by the Vice President, the Secretaries of
State and Defense, the NSC Adviser, and the chief domestic adviser. The President counted on the free flow
of ideas, unencumbered by a formal setting, to increase the chances of an informed decision.
Critics have contended that the Carter NSC staff was deficient in certain respects. The NSC's emphasis on
providing advice was effected at the expense of some of its other functions, particularly its responsibility to
monitor implementation of the President's policies. Also, the President's and some of his principals'
commitment to arms control skewed the formation and execution of a broad range of foreign policy options
on national security questions. Without any clearly-developed foreign policy principles beyond a commitment
to arms control, he often changed his mind, depending on the advice he was receiving at the time.
Carter's preference for informality and openness increased the diversity of views he received and complicated
the decision-making process. Every Friday, for example, the President breakfasted with Vice President
Mondale, Secretary of State Vance, Secretary of Defense Brown, Brzezinski, and several White House
advisers. No agendas were prepared and no formal records were kept of these meetings, sometimes
resulting in differing interpretations of the decisions actually agreed upon. This problem led to one of the
most embarrassing episodes of the Carter administration in which the United States had to retract a UN vote
involving Israel and Jerusalem. Brzezinski was careful, in managing his own weekly luncheons with
Secretaries Vance and Brown in preparation for NSC discussions, to maintain a complete set of careful
notes. Brzezinski also sent weekly reports to the President on major foreign policy undertakings and
problems, with recommendations for courses of action. President Carter enjoyed these reports and
frequently annotated them with his own views. Brzezinski and the NSC used these Presidential notes (159
of them) as the basis for NSC actions.
At the outset of the administration, Brzezinski successfully persuaded Carter to make the National Security
Adviser chairman of the SCC. This meant that Brzezinski was given oversight responsibility for the SALT
negotiations, which became an important focus of the Carter administration's foreign policy. Brzezinski's
coordination of the arms control process also gave him major input into the administration's policy toward the
Soviet Union. Thus from the beginning, Brzezinski made sure that the new NSC institutional relationships
would assure him a major voice in the shaping of foreign policy. While he knew that Carter would not want
him to be another Kissinger, Brzezenski also felt confident that the President did not want Secretary of State
Vance to become another Dulles and would want his own input on key foreign policy decisions.
Vance voiced his displeasure with this arrangement, which threatened to diminish the role of the Department
of State on arms control. The SCC, however, functioned fairly smoothly on arms control. Following Vance's
visit to Moscow in March 1977 to present new arms control proposals, which the Soviet leadership abruptly
rejected, the SCC developed and refined arms control proposals for U.S. negotiators at the SALT talks in
Geneva. President Carter carefully monitored the work of the SCC, which met with increasing frequency from
1977 to 1979. The President's personal commitment to SALT II ultimately overcame fundamental differences
between the National Security Adviser and the Secretary of State. Brzezinski wanted to link arms control
to other security issues, such as the administration's commitment to the development of the MX missile and
normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China. Vance, however, did not want SALT linked
to other Soviet activity. When the SALT II negotiations with the Soviet Union verged on success, an NSC
working group, including a Department of State representative, formulated the subject areas for an agenda
at the Vienna Summit (June 1979), at which Carter and Brezhnev signed the SALT II Treaty and discussed
other bilateral and Third World issues.
Brzezinski's power gradually expanded into the operational area during the Carter Presidency. He
increasingly assumed the role of a Presidential emissary. In 1978, for example, Brzezinski traveled to Beijing
to normalize U.S.-China relations. Like Kissinger before him, Brzezinski maintained his own personal
relationship with Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin. Brzezinski had NSC staffers monitor State Department cable
traffic through the Situation Room and call back to the Department if the President preferred to revise or take
issue with outgoing Department instructions. He also appointed his own press spokesman, and his frequent
press briefings and appearances on television interview shows made him a prominent public figure although
perhaps not nearly as much as Kissinger had been under Nixon.
In other areas the NSC system did not work effectively. The reasons stemmed less from inherent institutional
defects than from strong policy differences within the administration and President Carter's inability to
discipline his advisers and forge a more coherent response to the crises of the last few years of his
Presidency. The Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 further damaged the
Vance(Brzezinski relationship. Vance felt that Brzezinski's linkage of SALT to other Soviet activities and the
MX, together with the growing domestic criticisms in the United States of the SALT II Accord, convinced
Brezhnev to decide on military intervention in Afghanistan. Brzezinski, however, later recounted that he
advanced proposals to maintain Afghanistan's "independence" but was frustrated by the Department of
State's opposition. An NSC working group on Afghanistan wrote several reports on the deteriorating situation
in 1979, but President Carter ignored them until the Soviet intervention destroyed his illusions. Only then did
he decide to abandon SALT II ratification and pursue the anti-Soviet policies that Brzezinski proposed.
The Iranian revolution provided the coup de grace to the disintegrating Vance(Brzezinski relationship. As the
upheaval developed, the two advanced fundamentally different positions. Brzezinski wanted to control the
revolution and increasingly suggested military action to prevent Khomeini from coming to power, while Vance
wanted to come to terms with the new Khomeini regime. As a consequence Carter failed to develop a
coherent approach to the Iranian situation. Brzezinski continued, however, to promote his views, which the
President eventually accepted. Vance's resignation following the unsuccessful mission undertaken over his
objections to rescue the American hostages in March 1980 was the final result of the deep disagreement
between Brzezinki and Vance.
Reagan Administration, 1981-1989
The Reagan administration, like its predecessors, faced the recurring dilemma of determining which official
or agency would have primary responsibility for the direction, control, and supervision of U.S. foreign policy.
During the 1980 campaign, Ronald Reagan pledged to downgrade the post of National Security Adviser in
order to end the rivalry between the NSC and the Department of State that had plagued previous
administrations. On inauguration day, Secretary of State-designate Alexander Haig presented a draft
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) on the organization of U.S. foreign policy to Presidential
Counselor Edwin Meese III. The intent of Haig's draft was to place overall responsibility for the direction and
implementation of U.S. foreign policy within the Department of State. Relying on his experience in the Nixon
administration, Haig wanted to ensure Department of State control of the interagency groups within the NSC
because they were the "key [to] the flow of options to the President," and thus to policy control.
Haig's initiative, which he repeated on several occasions, was never responded to. Senior members of the
White House staff, Counselor Meese, Chief of Staff James A. Baker III, and Michael Deaver were concerned
that the proposed reorganization took too much power out of the President's hands and that an activist
Secretary of State operating with wide powers could eclipse the President in his public role as the chief
enunciator of U.S. foreign policy. Although the Haig initiative failed, the Secretary of State appeared to
achieve for a time broad authority over the formulation of foreign policy. The President placed National
Security Adviser Richard Allen's office under the supervision of Meese, and for the first time in the history
of the NSC, the National Security Adviser lost direct access to the President. In subsequent public
statements, the President underlined his belief that his Secretary of State was his "primary adviser on foreign
affairs, and in that capacity, he is the chief formulator and spokesman for foreign policy for this
administration." Allen, who had less personal authority, undertook a role as National Security Adviser that
emphasized the "integration" of the proposed policies and views of the foreign affairs agencies. Nor did he
take on any of the articulation of administration foreign policy(a responsibility left to Secretary Haig who at
first thought of himself as the "Vicar" of foreign affairs.
Changes were made in the NSC from the outset of the Reagan presidency. At a February 25, 1981, meeting
chaired by Meese, Cabinet-level heads of the major foreign affairs agencies agreed on a plan to establish
three Senior Interdepartmental Groups (SIGs) on foreign, defense, and intelligence problems, chaired
respectively by the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence. Under the
SIGs, a series of Assistant Secretary-level Interdepartmental Groups (IGs), each chaired by the agency with
particular responsibility, dealt with specific issues. The NSC staff was responsible for the assignment of
issues to the groups.
One example of a failed effort to create a new NSC organ in the hopes of improving interagency coordination
and reducing friction among the Departments of State and Defense, the CIA, and the NSC, was President
Reagan's order on March 24, 1981, naming Vice President George Bush as chair of a proposed
administration crisis management team. The NSC was charged with providing staff support for this effort.
The crisis group, referred to as the Special Situation Group (SSG) received a formal charter on December
14, 1981, but in fact only met once. Secretary Haig immediately and forcefully complained that the SSG
would remove coordinating responsibility from him.
In another effort to improve policy coordination during the summer of 1981, the President authorized the
creation of a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) composed of the Vice President, the Secretaries of
State and Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the
National Security Adviser. This group met weekly with the President and shaped policy prior to formal
meetings of the NSC.
In January 1982, following the resignation of National Security Adviser Allen, the President appointed a close
personal friend, Deputy Secretary of State William Clark, as his new adviser. The brief episode of the
weakened National Security Adviser was over. Clark would report directly to the President and not through
Meese or the other two members of the triumvirate of Baker and Deaver as Allen had done. President
Reagan issued a written directive (NSDD(2) in January 1982 outlining the structure and functions of the
National Security Council. The directive placed responsibility for developing, coordinating, and monitoring
national security policy with the National Security Adviser in consultation with the NSC members. It assigned
to the Secretary of State "authority and responsibility" for the "overall direction, coordination and supervision
of the interdepartmental activities incident to foreign policy formulation, and the activities of executive
departments and agencies overseas," except for military activities. NSDD(2 delineated the functions of the
three SIGs. It designated the Secretary of State as chairman of the Senior Interdepartmental Group for
Foreign Policy (SIG(FP), and established a "permanent secretariat, composed of personnel of the State
Department," augmented "as necessary" by other agency personnel requested by the Secretary of State,
to deal with foreign affairs matters.
To assist the SIG(FP, the Secretary of State set up Interagency Groups (IGs) for each geographic region,
politico-military affairs, and international economic affairs. The IGs, in turn, created full-time working groups.
The two other SIGs followed a similar structure under the leadership of the Secretary of Defense and the
Director of Central Intelligence. Over the next 5 years, the Reagan administration established an additional
22 SIGs and 55 IGs within the NSC system. Some committees met only once. Observers pointed out the
overuse of SIGs and the increasing snarl of responsibilities that led to enterprising NSC officials like Colonel
Oliver North developing their own sub-domains within the policy-making system. Zbigniew Brzezinski
described the NSC as entering its "Mid Life Crisis" during the Reagan years.
Clark took a very active role in coordination of policy among the agencies in such areas as intelligence and
the protection of classified security information. He replaced a number of senior NSC staff members and
reorganized his office to create three "clusters" to deal with political, military, and intelligence matters. Clark
emerged as a major spokesman for Reagan administration foreign policy, particularly with the Congress. He
publicly reaffirmed President Reagan's stated policy that the Secretary of State would be the primary
"formulator and enunciator of foreign policy." At the same time, however, Clark insisted that the role of the
President as the final arbiter on matters of foreign policy be kept in front of the public. He also asserted NSC
staff jurisdiction over long-range policy review, formerly a Department of State function.
The NSC system under Clark did not solve the coordination problems. Friction between the Department of
State and the NSC continued and came to a head during the intense debates within the administration over
how the United States should act in the Lebanon crisis in the spring of 1982 following the Israel invasion.
The disputes resulted in Secretary Haig's resignation on June 25, 1982, and President Reagan's appointment
of George P. Shultz as his new Secretary of State. In his July confirmation hearings, Shultz emphasized the
primary role of the President in the formulation of policy and stressed the collegial nature of policy formulation
in the Reagan administration. Shultz also referred to the delegation of authority as laid out in NSDD(2 as the
source of his own responsibilities and authority.
The apparent resolution of the dimensions of the Secretary of State's authority ironically coincided with ever-increasing activities in the foreign affairs field. The NSC frequently disagreed with the Department of State
over the management of daily U.S. foreign relations problems. One observer called the NSC a "bee hive of
activity." An NSC-chaired group took over arms control responsibilities from a State-chaired group (SAC/G)
and ramrodded the tough negotiating position favored by ACDA Chief Fred Ikle and Richard Perle of the
Defense Department. Deputy National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane replaced Philip C. Habib as the
chief U.S. Middle East negotiator in July 1983, and the National Security Adviser became directly involved
in the operations of foreign policy. It led to a major change in how the NSC system worked.
In October 1983, McFarlane replaced Clark as National Security Adviser, with Admiral John Poindexter as
his deputy. The new National Security Adviser had a background in both military and diplomatic affairs.
Retaining the NSC structural changes established by Clark, McFarlane played a highly active role in
attempting to compromise interagency disputes. He lacked the personal ties with the President that Clark
enjoyed, but continued to have direct Presidential access. During his tenure, the National Security Adviser
stepped back from the previous high profile in public policy enunciation, but became more involved in the
direct management of key areas of foreign policy.
During 1985 and 1986, the National Security Adviser and certain staff members took a particularly activist
role in the formulation and execution of policy in the Caribbean, Central America, and the Middle East. It was
an activism run amok in the "Iran-Contra affair" that brought the NSC to a nadir of public trust and brought
upon it Congressional investigation and the threat of prison for those involved. The Iran-Contra matter
resulted from NSC-led efforts to develop a policy to befriend Iran and provide arms to that nation in exchange
for its resistance to the Soviet Union and, more particularly to assist in the freeing of American hostages held
by Moslem extremist groups in the Middle East. National Security Adviser McFarlane and Admiral
Poindexter, who succeeded him in December 1985, played major roles in these matters. The efforts to
provide arms for hostages eventually became connected, through the transfer of funds made with arms sales,
with the NSC staff's ardent support for the Nicaraguan "Contras" in their civil war against the left-wing
government of Nicaragua. Investigations in 1987 and thereafter by a Presidential Review Board (the Tower
Board), the Congress, and a Special Prosecutor examined in great detail the activities of the NSC staff, as
well as the actions and responsibilities of the President, the National Security Adviser, and the heads of
The Tower Board, headed by Senator John Tower and including former Senator Edmund Muskie and former
National Security Adviser Scowcroft, not only reviewed the events of Iran-Contra but made a body of
recommendations for the reform of the NSC. NSDD(266 of March 31, 1987, adopted the Board's major
recommendations: reduction of the size of the staff, appointment of a legal counsel, removal of the Crisis
Pre-Planning Group, and its replacement with Policy Review Committee. The spirit of the reforms was given
more content by the new NSC leadership appointed by President Reagan in November 1987: National
Security Adviser Frank Carlucci and Deputy National Security Adviser Lieutenant General Colin Powell.
Carlucci reformed the NSC by replacing more than half of the professional staff within 3 months. Carlucci
largely withdrew the NSC from its operational roles, but in the matter of Nicaragua, NSC continued to
exercise the coordination that was not forthcoming from any of the agencies.
In the autumn of 1988, Carlucci was called to the Defense Department to succeed Caspar Weinberger, and
for the third time among his six appointments to the position of National Security Adviser during his
presidency, Reagan promoted the Deputy. General Powell directed an NSC that strived to provide balanced
coordination of major foreign policy presentations for the President. Managing the Policy Review Group and
the National Security Planning Group that Poindexter had so favored in preparing the NSC for discussions,
Powell conducted an NSC process that was efficient but low key. There were no longer free-lancers
operating out of the NSC staff. Under Powell's direction, the President and his chief advisers weathered the
Persian Gulf crisis in 1987(1988, the wind-down of the Nicaraguan Contra effort, and the Reagan-Gorbachev
relationship culminating in the Moscow Summit of June 1988(the smoothest ever seen by observers at the
Bush Administration, 1989-1992
After serving 8 years as Vice President and participating in the momentous foreign affairs events of the
Reagan administration, President George Bush made many changes in the NSC machinery reformed by
Carlucci and Powell. On the date of his inauguration, January 20, 1989, President Bush issued NSD(1
providing the charter for NSC administration. A Policy Review Group was enlarged to a Committee, the
Deputy National Security Adviser managed the Deputies Committee, and a Principals Committee screened
matters for the NSC to consider. Eight Policy Coordinating Committees assumed regional and functional
responsibilities in place of the multiple interagency groups from the Reagan era. NSC policy papers were
named National Security Review papers (NSRs) and National Security Directives (NSDs) to distinguish them
from the Reagan era documentation.
President Bush brought deep experience to the NSC leadership with his appointment of General Brent
Scowcroft as National Security Adviser. Scowcroft had served in the Kissinger NSC, had been National
Security Adviser in the last years of the Ford administration, and had chaired the President's Board examining
the Iran-Contra scandal. Robert Gates served as Deputy National Security Adviser under Scowcroft until his
appointment as Director of Central Intelligence in 1991. Scowcroft's direction of the NSC was distinguished
by the informality but intensity of the relationship with the President. The NSC also maintained good
relationships with the other agencies, and Secretary of State Baker and Scowcroft appear to have maintained
the most comradely working terms. Through the collapse of the USSR and the unification of Germany,
Operation Just Cause which sent American troops into Panama in December 1989, and Operation Desert
Shield and Desert Storm, the NSC worked effectively in facilitating a series of American foreign policy
successes. Nor did Scowcroft fail to involve in key operations Deputy Secretary of State Eagleburger, such
as when he visited China in July 1989 to try to improve U.S. relations with China in the aftermath of the pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square.
Clinton Administration, 1993-1997
President William J. Clinton on January 20, 1993, the day of his inauguration, issued Presidential Decision
Directive l to departments and agencies concerned with national security affairs. PDD l revised and renamed
the framework governing the work of the National Security Council. A Presidential Review Directive (PRD)
series would be the mechanism used by the new administration to direct that specific reviews and analyses
be undertaken by the departments and agencies. A Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) series would now
be used to promulgate Presidential decisions on national security matters. The Bush administration's
National Security Review (NSR) series and National Security Directive (NSD) series were abolished.
On January 21, 1993, in PDD 2, President Clinton approved an NSC decision-making system that enlarged
the membership of the National Security Council and included a much greater emphasis on economic issues
in the formulation of national security policy. The President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and
Secretary of Defense were members of the NSC as prescribed by statute. The Director of Central
Intelligence and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as statutory advisers to the NSC, attended its
meetings. The new membership of the National Security Council included the following officials: the
Secretary of the Treasury, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, the Assistant to the President for
National Security Affairs, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Chief of Staff to the
President. Although not a member, the Attorney General would be invited to attend meetings pertaining to
his jurisdiction. The heads of other Executive departments and agencies, the special statutory advisers to
the NSC, and other senior officials would be invited to attend meetings of the NSC where appropriate.
The new position of Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, which had been promised by Clinton
during the election campaign, was intended to serve as a senior economic adviser to coordinate foreign and
domestic economic policy through a newly-created National Economic Council (NEC). Robert E. Rubin was
the first to be appointed to this position. The NEC was to deal with foreign and domestic economic issues
in much the same way as the NSC coordinated diplomatic and security issues, and the Assistant to the
President for Economic Policy was to be included in meetings involving international economic issues.
In January 1993, Clinton appointed W. Anthony Lake as his National Security Adviser. Lake, a former
Foreign Service officer, served under Henry Kissinger, President Nixon's National Security Adviser, and as
director of the Department of State Policy Planning Staff during the Carter administration. During the Carter
years, Lake had witnessed the negative effects of bureaucratic infighting and squabbling between Secretary
of State Vance and National Security Adviser Brzezinski. As Clinton's National Security Adviser, Lake was
effective in maintaining cordial relations with Secretary of State Warren M. Christopher and in developing an
atmosphere of cooperation and collegiality. Lake initially maintained a low public profile, avoiding public
appearances and television interviews, so as not to upstage the Secretary of State as Kissinger had done
in the Nixon administration. In September 1993, however, in response to criticism that the Clinton
administration had not adequately explained its foreign policy, Lake began to appear as a public speaker.
The National Security Council framework in the Clinton administration included an NSC Principals Committee,
a forum available to Cabinet-level officials to discuss and resolve issues not requiring the President's
participation. An NSC Deputies Committee served as the senior sub-cabinet interagency forum for
considering policy issues affecting national security and for reviewing and monitoring the work of the NSC
interagency process. This process included Interagency Working Groups (IWGs), which were to convene
on a regular basis to review and coordinate the implementation of Presidential decisions in their respective
policy areas. Among the most urgent issues the NSC dealt with in the first year of the Clinton administration
were Bosnia, Haiti, Iraq, and Somalia. The several dozen other questions the NSC system dealt with initially
included such issues as illegal drugs, United Nations peacekeeping, Zaire, strategic arms control policy,
China, and global environmental affairs.
Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger, a longtime foreign policy adviser to Clinton who had been Lake's deputy since
1993, became National Security Adviser in March 1997, after Clinton nominated Lake to be Director of
Central Intelligence. (Lake subsequently withdrew from the nomination.) Berger initiated a review of
principles that would guide the foreign policy of Clinton's second term. These included the integration of
Eastern and Western Europe without provoking tensions with Russia; promoting more open trade; improving
defenses against such transnational threats as terrorism and narcotics; and promoting a strong and stable
Asian-Pacific community by seeking trade cooperation with China and avoiding confrontation on human rights
issues. In the spring and summer of 1997, the National Security Council became occupied with such issues
as the ratification of the Chemical Weapons Treaty, NATO enlargement, the Middle East peace process, the
U.S-Russian Summit at Helsinki, and the Denver Economic Summit.