This is historical material, "frozen in time." The web site is no longer updated and links to external web sites and some internal pages will not work.
Last Updated: May 11, 2000
Council of Economic Advisers -
White Papers
Opportunities and Gender Pay Equity in New Economy Occupations
(49 kb)
(May, 2000)
Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century:
An Examination of Trends in Teen Behavior and the Role of Parental Involvement
(341 kb)
(May, 2000)
The Uses of Census Data: An Analytical Review
(April, 2000)
20 Million Jobs: January 1993 - November 1999
(67 kb)
(December, 1999)
America's Interest in the World Trade Organization: An Economic Assessment
(November, 1999)
The Effects of Welfare Policy and the Economic Expansion on Welfare Caseloads: An Update
(August, 1999)
Families and the Labor Market, 1969-1999:
Analyzing the "Time Crunch"
(84 kb)
(May 1999)
Good News for Low Income Families:
Expansions in the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Minimum Wage
(December 1998)
Explaining Trends in the Gender Wage Gap
(June 1998)
The Economics of Child Care
(December 1997)
Explaining the Decline in Welfare Receipt, 1993-1996
(May 1997)
The First Three Years: Investments that Pay
(April 1997)
Job Creation and Employment Opportunities:
The United States Labor Market, 1993-1996
(April 1996)
U.S. Trade Policy with Japan: An Update
(April 1996)
Educating America: An Investment for Our Future
(September 1995)
To "Save" One Dollar...
(October 1995)
Supporting Research and Development to Promote Economic Growth:
The Federal Government's Role
(October 1995)