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Foreign Policy: World's Strongest Force for Peace,
Freedom and Prosperity
Promoting Peace and Strengthening Democracy
Achieved victory and ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, by leading
the 79-day NATO air campaign in Kosovo that successfully compelled Milosevic
to withdraw Serb troops, permit an international security force to enter and
allow refugees to return to their homes in safety.
Restored momentum to the Middle East peace process, brokering the
Wye River Memorandum and visiting Israel and Gaza.
Led efforts that produced Good Friday peace agreement in Northern Ireland,
ending decades of bloodshed.
Building a self-sustaining peace in Bosnia through implementation
of the Dayton Peace accords.
Restored democracy in Haiti, ending military dictatorship and stopping
refugee flows.
Helped settle Peru-Ecuador border dispute and end civil war in Guatemala.
Pressing for human rights, core labor standards, religious freedom,
and the elimination of child labor worldwide.
Combating New Threats
Protecting Americans from Weapons of Mass Destruction by reducing
Russian nuclear arsenals, ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention,
and signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Combating terrorism by developing a national counterterrorism strategy
and striking terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan.
Addressing threats to our infrastructure like cyberterrorism and
biological and chemical weapons. Containing Saddam Hussein through diplomacy,
economic sanctions and military force.
Preventing North Korea from developing nuclear weapons through deterrence,
diplomacy and non-proliferation.
Improving military readiness through increased defense spending.
Strengthening Alliances and Building Partnerships
Built a stronger and larger NATO to ensure a more stable, democratic
Europe and a fully-integrated Russia.
Deepening security alliances with Japan and South Korea.
Built more constructive relationship with China through engagement
and frank dialogue on human rights, security and trade.
Expanding trade relations and strengthening democracy in Asia and Latin
Building partnerships with Africa during historic Presidential trip.
Expanding Prosperity
Opening markets abroad through NAFTA, GATT and 270 other free trade
Negotiated historic U.S.-China trade agreement which will significantly
lower Chinese tariffs, and ensure fair treatment for both American businesses
in China and American workers here at home.
Addressing global economic crisis by leading international relief
efforts and stimulating worldwide growth.
Leading efforts to establish world finance and trade systems for
21st century economy that benefits ordinary citizens in all countries.