Table of Contents | Appendix E
Appendix D
State Leadership on Sustainable Development
This appendix includes examples of initiatives at the state level throughout the United States. Their presentation in this report is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as endorsement by the Sustainable Communities Task Force or the President's Council on Sustainable Development.
The text in this appendix is an excerpt of "Seeds of Change: State Efforts Leading the Way Towards Sustainability" written by Patricia Scruggs. For more information, please contact the author at 0426 SW Dakota, Portland, OR 97201, 503 246 6148.
Sustainability efforts in the United States are steadily increasing. While we still debate the exact definition or set of principles that define this term, we can agree that people now recognize the need to integrate economic, environmental, and social issues and that they are applying the concepts to their own region in ways they believe will work best for them.
Kentucky Sustainable Practices Initiative
Contact: Alex Barber, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, 14 Reilly Road, Frankfort KY 40601, 502 564 2150, fax 502 564 4245
The Kentucky Initiative is a collaboration of multiple, complementary efforts with the goal of producing a comprehensive program. The efforts are integrated under the leadership of the Governor and the Cabinets of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and of Economic Development. These efforts span geographic regions of the states as well as a wide array of sustainability issues, including agriculture, economic development, education, environmental protection, forestry, and biodiversity, plus comprehensive policies and strategic plans.
Although each effort may focus on a specific segment of sustainability, they all use the central principles of sustainable development to guide their operations. They look long term, integrate economic, environmental, and social concerns, and involve a wide range of stakeholders in all stages of deliberation. In October 1994, the report "Bringing it Home: Sustainable Practices in Kentucky" was written to summarize these efforts.
Highlights of recent advancements in these programs are as follows. The KY Roundtable on Sustainable Development is now being completed, and administrative and research support has been secured for at least one year. KY Outlook 2000 continues to progress with trends information completed; comparative risk issues have been formalized and are being evaluated; and future scenarios are being developed. The Economic Development Strategic Plan has more than 800 Kentuckians from all walks of life contributing to 50 task groups making recommendations for the future. Its Biodiversity Task Force has just completed 13 facilitated public meetings across the state to generate input for policies on maintaining biodiversity for the future. The International Marketing Association intends to produce a directory of environmental businesses and jobs, and to promote new work for those businesses. The Environmental Technology Consortium will work on promoting and encouraging technologies that contribute to environmental protection and a sustainable future. The 1995 Regional Sustainability Forum will bring together representatives from states and cities in this region to discuss and learn how to promote partnerships for sustainable development.
Minnesota Sustainable Development Initiative
Contact: John Wells, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, 658 Cedar Street St. Paul MN 55155, 612 297 2377, fax 612 296 3698
In early 1993, Governor Arne H. Carlson and the Environmental Quality Board asked 105 business, environmental, and civic leaders to map out a sustainable, long-range vision for Minnesota. For this effort, "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" was the guiding principle.
Seven 15-member teams discussed how the state could adopt sustainable approaches to agriculture, energy, forestry, manufacturing, minerals, recreation and settlement. Through this collaborative process, the Initiative crafted some 400 proposals for fundamentally changing the way Minnesotans create economic opportunity, protect their natural heritage, and sustain their communities.
The 1995 focus of the Initiative is to develop a strategic plan to begin implementation of the key concepts set forth by the teams. The Governor is expected to appoint a sustainable development roundtable to guide this phase of the Initiative in conjunction with the Environmental Quality Board. This phase's efforts also include preparation of a proposed sustainable development act and a land use for sustainable communities planning framework.
Colorado Sustainability Project (CSP)
Contacts: Heidi VanGenderen,CSP, 327 Hawthorn Hollow, Boulder, CO 80304, 303/440-6280; and Anne Grady, Dept. of Health and Environment, APCD Admin B1, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver CO 80222, 303 782 5493, fax 303 692 3106
The Colorado Sustainability Project (CSP) is an effort established to facilitate the creation and enactment of a sustainability plan that benefits Colorado's economic, social, environmental, and human well-being. The Project will help build the political will necessary to implement change through inviting participation from a broad cross-section of citizens, leaders, and experts who share a concern for the future of Colorado. The Plan will create a set of sustainability principles, establish a clear vision of Colorado's future, specify a Blueprint for Sustainability, develop a set of indicators, help build political support, and monitor progress.
Sustainable Maine Project
Contact: Craig Freshley or Susie Schweppe, PO Box 676, Portland ME 04104-0676, 207 781 3947, fax 207 781 7058
Sustainable Maine (SAM) is a growing statewide coalition of public, private, and nonprofit organizations and individuals. The group represents a broad range of interests, including the environment, education, job training, business, government, community, labor, science and technology, forestry, agriculture, economic and human development, and the religious community. It was originally organized to assist the Maine Economic Development Council meet its sustainability mandate in 1993. The group, however, recognized the broader and longer term need for this organization and is evolving into a permanent and independent organization.
Missouri Sustainability Projects
Contact: Steve Mahfood, EIERA, PO Box 744, 325 Jefferson Street, Jefferson City MO 65102, 314 751 4919, fax 314 635 3486
Missouri has multiple sustainability projects within the state, loosely coordinated by the Missouri Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority (EIERA). They include:- Statewide Governor's Sustainability Roundtable Information Forum held in November 1994 .- St. Louis Area Sustainability Council, an on-going effort with multiple committees. - Springfield Area Sustainability Congress, an on-going effort addressing various topics of sustainability.- Kansas City ECO, a community wide effort addressing the future of the region.
Montana Consensus Council
Contact: Matthew McKinney, Montana Consensus Council, State Capitol, Helena MT, 59620-0801, 406 444 2075, fax 406 444 5529
The Montana Consensus Council was created by executive order and is currently an instrument of state government. The mission of the Council is "to promote fair, effective, and efficient processes for building agreement on natural resources and other public policy issues important to Montanans." It provides a forum to address the challenges of the state related to jobs, education, and the environment in order to promote sustainable communities. It seeks to foster innovative and cooperative approaches for building consensus on public issues.
Sustainable North Carolina Project
Contact: Frances Lynn, Environmental Resource Program, University of North Carolina - Miller Hall, Chapel Hill NC 27599, 919 966 7754, fax 919 966 5692-+
The Sustainable North Carolina Project is a five-year university-lead effort to explore avenues for achieving economic and social progress while protecting North Carolina's environment and conserving its natural resources. In the past two years, the Environmental Resource Program (ERP) at UNC has implemented its education and outreach effort through numerous projects (see Products and Outcomes Section). This effort culminated in a statewide conference in March. The Project has published reports, held workshops and forums, and gathered community input.
Virginia Task Force on Sustainable Development
Contact: Nicole (Nikki) Beyer, Division of Legislative Services, 910 Capitol Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804 786 3591, fax 804 371 0169
By resolution in 1994, The Virginia General Assembly created a sustainable development task force. The charge of the task force was to "assess current sustainable development initiatives in the Commonwealth and other areas, develop a statewide strategic plan for sustainable development, and recommend appropriate actions which state and local governments, citizen groups, and nonprofit organizations, especially in rural areas of the Commonwealth, might consider for implementation.
The task force is composed of 18 members: six delegates, four senators, and six citizens appointed by the Governor representing both government, economic development, environmental, and community-based organizations in all regions of the state.
Delaware Estuary Program (Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania)
Contact: Jim Walsh, Bureau of Land and Water Conservation, 400 Market Street, 11th Floor, Harrisburg PA 17101, 717 787 5267, fax 717 787 9549
The Delaware Estuary Program (DELEP) is a multistate effort to address the long-term vitality of the region using the concepts of sustainable development. The Estuary covers 22 counties and over 500 municipalities in three states (Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania). The Program was established to promote partnerships in the region, educate and inform agencies and organizations about sustainable development, and establish a network to foster programs, workshops, and technical assistance to achieve sustainability in the region.
Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida
Contact: Bonnie Kranzer/Dione Carroll, Commission for a Sustainable South Florida, 1550 Madruga Avenue, Suite 220, Coral Gables FL 33146, 305 669 6973, fax 305 669 6974.
The Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida is a 42-person commission with state and regional agency, legislative, business (including agriculture), local government, tribal, public interest, and nonvoting federal members. The Commission was established to recommend a five-year plan containing strategies, actions, and measures of success for achieving positive change that enhances the ecological, economic, and social systems upon which South Florida and its communities depend. In addition, it seeks to promote sustainability in the Everglades ecosystem.
NY Sustainable Development Initiative
Contact: Columbia Business School, 2880 Broadway, New York, NY 10025, 212 854 3409, fax 212 316 1473
Southern California Council on Environment and Development (SCCED)
Contact: Kathleen Gildred, 1341 Ocean Avenue #253, Santa Monica, CA 90401, 310 455 1603, fax 310 455 3011
Sustainable Wisconsin
Contact: Barbara Markoff, 3343 North Gordon Place, Milwaukee, WI 53212, 414 964 5961, fax 414 964 5950
Beldon Paulson, Center for Urban Community Development - UW Milwaukee, 929 North Sixth Street, Milwaukee, WI 53203, 414 227 3270