Chapter 2
Accelerate efforts to evaluate existing
regulations and to create opportunities for attaining environmental goals
at lower economic costs. |
ACTION 1. Federal and state
environmental regulatory agencies should accelerate efforts to identify
and act on opportunities to reduce the economic cost of current
environmental regulatory standards. The private sector and other
nongovernmental organizations have an important role in this process as
catalysts for new ideas and approaches that will streamline and improve
the current system. Government agencies should create more flexible,
cost-effective approaches to attain the human and ecosystem health goals
of existing programs while maintaining monitoring and verification
functions. Regulated entities should still be responsible for
demonstrating that they are achieving environmental goals. In addition to achieving economic savings, improving the efficiency of the existing system would help set the stage for a longer term, more fundamental shift in the way in which human health and environmental quality are protected. The data, analysis, and lessons learned through these innovations can create a more solid base of experience from which to launch a new environmental management system that uses a wider range of policy approaches and tools. ACTION 2. Federal and state environmental regulatory agencies should set performance-based regulations where feasible and appropriate. Performance-based regulations should be based upon national standards designed to protect the health of people and ecosystems.
Murphy -- chief executive office of Japs Olson Company, a
Minneapolis-based printer, and chairman of the board of the Printing
Industries of America -- has first-hand experience with the paperwork
problem. His industry is dominated by small businesses: 80 percent of
the print shops in the United States employ fewer than 20 people.[1] Printing is also a chemically intensive process, subject
to a complex web of environmental laws, including dozens of state and
federal regulations separately addressing air, water, and land pollution.
In 1993, the printing industry along with representatives from the
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the Council of Great Lakes
Governors established the Great Printers Project, an effort focusing on
printers in the Great Lakes Region. The aim of the project is to find
ways to ease the compliance burden, reduce pollution, and lower costs.
The three partners invited technical and policy experts from the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state regulatory agencies to
participate in the project as well. At the outset, Murphy said he felt
himself in "perhaps the most diverse group I've ever dealt with. There
was a certain amount of distrust." Over time the mood changed. "By the
end, people were much different. After many, many hours of meetings,
we learned to see each other's viewpoint."
On July 22, 1994, in conjunction with a Chicago meeting of the
President's Council on Sustainable Development, the Great Printers
Project released its findings, which included recommendations on how
firms could save money and reduce pollution through voluntary actions.
Following the group's recommendations, General Litho Services, a
Minneapolis printer, successfully reduced its smog-inducing isopropyl
alcohol use from 605 gallons to 95 gallons, saving $1,355. It
reformulated its printing ink, which is listed as a hazardous waste,
saving $18,000 in annual costs. At first glance these savings--both to
the bottom line and to the environment--may seem small. But for small
companies with narrow profit margins, they are significant. And for the
environment, the cumulative pollution prevention efforts can be even
more significant.
Another recommendation was aimed at consolidating environmental
reporting requirements to streamline administrative efforts. EPA
Administrator Carol Browner, a Council member, endorsed the proposal,
stating that it "will allow print shops to do their work cleaner,
cheaper, and smarter." EDF Executive Director Fred Krupp, also a Council
member, says these findings could be transferred to small businesses in
other industries. "For industries composed of small businesses, focusing
only on permits and inspections cannot attain environmental
achievements," according to Krupp. "The Great Printers Project suggests
replacing redundant bureaucracy with simpler forms that guide the small
business person to reduce photochemical smog, hazardous waste, and
wastewater discharges."
Many of the Council's policy recommendations seek to promote economic,
environmental, and equity goals in the manufacturing sector. Two
recommendations are to improve the cost-effectiveness of the existing
system and to develop an alternative performance-based management
system. They call for the creation of performance standards based on
strong protection of health and the environment--but without mandating
the means of compliance--to give companies and communities flexibility
to find the most cost-effective ways to meet environmental requirements.
Recognizing that the greatest opportunity rests not only with producers,
but also with those involved throughout the commerce chain, the Council
challenges manufacturers, suppliers, users, and disposers of products to
share responsibility for the environmental effects and waste streams
throughout a product's life cycle.
In addition to a shift in tax policies and subsidy reform, greater use
of market incentives would result in significant improvements in the
environmental performance of the manufacturing sector at lower cost.
Specifically, the Council urges federal and state governments to build
on existing programs to design and carry out a system that allows the
buying and selling of emissions reductions, guaranteeing permanent
overall reductions. Such systems should be appropriate to the local
environmental problems being addressed. Further, the Council believes
that the federal government should work with the private sector and
nonprofit groups to identify cost-effective opportunities to use
materials and energy more efficiently.
Progress toward this end could be measured using the following indicators:
They say small is beautiful. Evidence shows that in the United
States, small businesses are where most new jobs are created. But when
it comes to environmental regulations, small can be frustrating. Unlike
large corporations, small businesses do not have departments dedicated
to compliance, let alone someone who designs new ways of reducing
pollution. How does a small business keep up with the paperwork? "There
aren't enough hours in the day," says Robert Murphy.
Manufacturing will continue to be a critical part of the U.S.
economy into the foreseeable future. This sector's activities have
significant effects on the environment and on social equity and
well-being. Consequently, it should aspire to produce, use, and export
globally competitive goods and services that use resources efficiently
and result in fewer adverse effects on natural systems and human health.
Create a bold, new alternative environmental management system designed to achieve superior environmental protection and economic development that relies on veriflable and enforceable perforinance-based standards and provides increased operational flexibility through a collaborative decision-making process. |
Government has a central role to play and major
to exercise in setting environmental protection standards that
reflect a broad range of environmental, health, economic, and
scientific factors, as well as other concerns. There are,
however, significant economic and environmental benefits in
allowing companies to participate in the process and in offering them a
greater range of choice and flexibility in determining how to achieve
needed levels of protection. But the new,
more flexible approach needs to be an optional program. Some
firms, because of circumstances and constraints, may prefer to
continue under the more traditional regulatory program.
Further, a new alternative system of regulation that shifts the
burden of fashioning compliance strategies from government
to industry will require a strong sense of trust among all stakeholders
in the process - a level of trust that has not been part
of the nation's past environmental efforts.
ACTION 1. Federal and state environmental regulatory agencies should give companies operational flexibility to determine the most cost-effective means of achieving the goals of superior protection. Regulatory agencies should enter into alternative compliance agreements with entities - facilities, companies, industrial sectors, or communities - that look beyond reductions in a single environmental medium - air, water, or soil - and encourage approaches to environmental management that are facilitywide and site specific. Regulatory agencies should ensure that the interests of heavily affected communities or socioeconomic groups are protected. In any new system, government agencies would still maintain monitoring and verification functions, and regulated entities would still have the responsibility to demonstrate that they are achieving the agreed-upon environmental objectives. ACTION 2. Federal and state regulatory agencies and tribal governments should ensure opportunities for broad and meaningful public participation in the development and implementation of performance standards and regulations. These collaborative processes should afford other levels of government, businesses, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting their future. Steps should be taken to ensure that traditionally under-represented groups have ample opportunity for involvement and that stakeholders have greater access to information on progress in achieving environmental goals. ACTION 3. EPA and state agencies should accelerate efforts to conduct a series of demonstration projects to gain experience with policy tools and innovative approaches that could serve as the basis for an alternative environmental management system. They should be to work with all interested parties to tailor compliance terms of demonstrations that make a credible commitment to going beyond existing standards. For example, longer compliance periods might be considered for demonstrations that are designed to achieve superior protection, but this flexibility could be coupled with interim reporting requirements. Alternatively, demonstrations that focus on environmental performance of an entire facility rather than on separate air, water, and soil requirements might stipulate that environmental gains for an entire facility exceed what would have been achieved through source-by-source or medium-specific regulations. These provisions would help ensure that all parties operate in good faith - an essential element of creating trust. The federal government, working with the private sector and nongovernmental organizations, should review and evaluate the lessons learned from the demonstration projects. Based on the success of the first round of demonstration projects, a second set of projects should be selected within two years. ACTION 4. National laboratories and federal research agencies should be directed to conduct research necessary to help develop, test, and verify the scientific basis of technologies and practices to move toward the ideal of a zero-waste society. This research would help ensure that over time the new system would reflect improved scientific information and understanding. Research agencies should identify health risks, monitor trends and environmental conditions, and inform decisionmakers of emerging environmental challenges. National laboratories should have the resources they need to help identify opportunities for public-private technology partnerships and be available to evaluate the effectiveness of new technologies and practices in attaining environmental goals at lower cost. |
Six major industries are the focus of the project's first phase:
automobile manufacturing,
computers and electronics, iron and steel, metal finishing, petroleum
refining, and printing. These
major industries account for more than 11 percent of the gross domestic
product, employ nearly 4
million people, and generate a significant portion of the toxk releases
reported. Representatives from
federal, state, and local governments; community-based and national
environmental groups; environmental justice groups; labor; and industry
are examining the full range of environmental requirements affecting the
six pilot industries. Teams are working to find
cleaner, cheaper, smarter
approaches in the areas of regulation, reporting, compliance,
permitting, and environmental technology - emphasizing pollution
prevention instead of end-of-pipe controls.
Project XL is a second example of regulatory flexibility and
accountability in action, this time
looking at specific facilities rather than specific industries. Six
companies - Intel Corporation,
Anheuser Busch Companies; HADCO Corporation; Merck & Co., Inc.; AT&T
Microelectronics; and 3M
Corporation - and two government agencies - Colifomia's South Coast Air
Quality Management
District and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - will participate
in the first phase of the Project
XL initiative. Denoting Excellence and Leadership, Project XL allows
selected businesses and communities to experiment with innovative and
flexible strategies to achieve greater environmental results,
while providing regulatory flexibility and maintaining accountability.
For example, Intel will enter into
a contract with EPA and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
for its new facility in
Chandler, Arizona. As proposed, the company will agree to achieve
better environmental results than
are currently required for air, land, and water pollution. For their
part, regulators will grant Intel more
regulatory flexibility and expedited permitting procedures, making it
easier for the company to meet
the higher environmental goals.[2]
On November 3, 1995, President Bill Clinton announced the
selection of Intel and the other
five firms chosen for the first phase of Project XL: 'To industry,
Project XL shows that protecting the
health and safety of our citizens doesn't have to come at the expense of
a bottom line. And to those
in the environmental community, XL shows that strengthening the economy
doesn't have to come
at the expense of the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we
This new generation of car could represent more than a
breakthrough in fuel efficiency and design. It would also represent a
breakthrough in cooperation among competing automobile manufacturers and
among the automobile industry, suppliers. universities, other small and
large businesses, and the U.S. government.
On September 29, 1993, Vice President Al Gore and the chief
executive officers of the Ford
Motor Company, Chrysler Corporation, and General Motors Corporation
announced a historic
Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles. The partnership has three
objectives: to improve
national competitiveness in manufacturing, to promote commercially
viable near-term innovation,
and to develop a vehicle that is up to three times more efficient than
today's comparable vehicle.
Achieving this level of fuel economy would stretch the boundaries of
technical capability. Underlying
these goals is yet another challenge: affordability.
Vice President Gore, meeting with members of the President's
Council on Sustainable
Development, received an update on the partnership effort during a
January 1995 visit to
Chattanooga, Tennessee. "By the end of 1997, we will narrow the
technology focus. By 2000, we
will have a concept vehicle. And by the year 2004, we will have a
production prototype," declared
a representative of the partnership. "This is not just about jobs," he
added. "It is not just about technology. It is not just about the
environment. It is also about a new process of working together, for
both industry and government, in ways that have not been attempted
Extended product responsibility is an emerging
principle that uses this life-cycle approach to identify strategic
opportunities for pollution prevention and resource conservation. It
also addresses the underlying influence of consumer needs and preferences,
government procurement, and the role played
by those in the chain of production and distribution.
Under the principle of extended product responsibility, manufacturers,
suppliers, users, and disposers of products share responsibility for the
environmental effects of products and waste streams.
Creating an innovative system of extended product responsibility would
improve the current fragmented approach to waste reduction, resource
conservation, and pollution prevention. When there are missing links in
the chain of responsibility, waste and inefficiency result. Communities
bear the greatest burden for the disposal of hazardous products.
Similarly, decisions made upstream in the chain by suppliers can
reduce a manufacturer's emissions and wastes and improve profitability.
Sharing responsibility implies not only understanding and communicating the
environmental effects of product development but also acting collectively
to reduce them. By using a mix of regulatory and other incentives,
information, education, and institutional support, this new system would
encourage individuals, government, and corporations to recognize,
understand, and act on the basis of their responsibility to advance
sustainable development objectives. Further, government agencies - the
nation's largest consumers - can use their market leverage to encourage
U.S. manufacturers to increase the efficiency of materials use.
Purchasing specifications can give manufacturers strong
incentives to create products that result in fewer environmental effects
while maintaining similar product performance.
This policy recommendation constitutes a challenge to the American
people to develop models of shared responsibility and demonstrate how
these models can be put into effect across the country and throughout the
world. For example, liability regimes must be consistent with any shifts
of product responsibility. A series of demonstration projects that
illustrate new models of shared responsibility throughout different
product systems could provide valuable experience with extended product
responsibility. While extended product responsibility should constitute
a national priority, actions of states and localities are integral to its
success. Ultimately, the Council believes that sharing responsibility for
environmental effects would transform the marketplace into one driven by:
SOURCE: Office of Science and Technology Policy, Technology for a
Sustainabie Future (Washington, D.C., 1994).
Collaboration and experimentation both inside and outside the
government and between
government and private enterprise are leading to more effective ways of
meeting environmental
goals while reducing costs. Through the Common Sense Initiative, the
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has convened consensus-oriented teams to look for
opportunities to turn complicated
and inconsistent environmental regulations into comprehensive
sector-spedfic strategies for environmental protection.
Early in the next century, customers could have an exciting new
option when they shop for a
new automobile. They may be able to purchase cars that achieve up to 80
miles to the gallon, are
mostly recyclable, accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 12 seconds,
comfortably hold six passengers, meet all safety and emissions
requirements, and cost about the some as comparably sized cars
on the showroom floor.
Adopting Extended Product Responsibility
While environmental programs that focus on a point in the
product chain have resulted in resource conservation and pollution
prevention, further advances will only be incremental ones as long as the
approach taken continues to separate all stages of economic activity,
including product design, manufacture, use, and
disposal. For example, when looking to reduce air emissions of a
particular chemical associated with a product, the production plant is
often not the only place to examine.
Sometimes, more cost-effective and larger reductions can be found by
analyzing emissions from transporting and distributing the product. A
life-cycle approach captures the upstream environmental effects
associated with raw material selection and use and
effects from production processes and product distribution. It also
reflects downstream effects associated with product use, recycling, and
disposal. Life-cycle approaches can yield better environmental results at
lower cost.
NOTES: Industrial ecology is the study of a closed loop in which
resources and energy flow into production processes, and excess
materials are
put back into the loop so that little or no waste is generated.
Products used by consumers flow back into production loops through recycling
to recover resources. Ideally, the loops are closed within a factory,
among industries in a region, and within national and global economies.
Adopt a voluntary system that ensures responsibility for the environmental effects throughout a product's life cycle by all those involved in the life cycle. The greatest opportunity for extended product responsibility rests with those throughout the commerce chain - designers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, users, and disposers - that are in a position to practice resource conservation and pollution prevention at lower cost. |
ACTION 1. Companies, trade associations, wholesalers, retailers,
consumer groups, and other private sector parties can develop
models of shared product responsibility. Private sector parties
should solicit the participation of government and environmental
representatives in developing voluntary product responsibility
models or demonstration project proposals. Fach demonstration
project proposal should identify critical links in the product
chain, opportunities for significant improvements, and key participants
that need to be involved to prevent pollution or conserve
resources within each product system under consideration.
ACTION 2. A joint committee involving the private and nonprofit sectors should recommend to the President individuals to be appointed to a Product Responsibility Panel to review and select demonstration projects, help identify appropriate participants, and provide advice on the execution of the demonstration projects themselves. Demonstrations should include companion training and educational programs to communicate the objectives of the demonstrations and principles of extended product responsibility. The Product Responsibility Panel should help identify means of conducting effective monitoring, evaluation, and analysis of the projects' progress and possible links with other sustainable development initiatives. It should also help coordinate sound economic and environmental analyses to assist in transferring the lessons from local demonstration projects to regional and national policies. The panel should have a balanced representation of stakeholders with interests in the life cycle of a product, including its supply, procurement, consumption, and disposal. By immediately identifying product categories for demonstration projects, U.S. industry, in cooperation with government agencies and the environmental community, could begin to carry out the new models of shared responsibility to produce rapid and measurable results. Necessary measures to protect against the extension of product liability would encourage the voluntary assumption of responsibility by businesses. ACTION 3. Following evaluation of the projects, the federal government, private companies, and individuals should voluntarily adopt practices and policies that have been successfully demonstrated to carry out extended product responsibility on a regional and national scale. The Product Responsibility Panel should recommend any legislative changes needed to remove barriers to extending product responsibility. The procurement policies of federal, state, local, and tribal governments should reflect preferences for resulting cost-effective, environmentally superior products. |
Ever wonder what happens to those recycled plastic soda bottles? just take a walk along a mountain trail on a crisp autumn day. Many of the brightly clad hikers will be sporting jackets that were once soda bottles. Pile jackets, produced from petroleum-based fibers, have been worn for over two decades; today, many are made from recycled plastic bottles. |
A variety of tools can help make extended product responsibility a reality. Some, like labeling programs, inform consumers. Others, like product fees, put a value on environmental impact. All help decisionmakers recognize and respond to opportunities to change. These tools may focus on individual actions or reflect coordination among many participants in the chain of commerce. The tools used for a particular product category should be designed to achieve the desired change at the most appropriate links in the chain, and, where possible, by voluntary action. Following are exomples of these tools. |
When the Vista Chemical Company expanded its Lake Charles, Louisiana, plant's ethylene unit, community members expressed concern about high flames coming out of a stock. "Our neighbors were afraid of the high flames and unhappy about the vibration and noise caused by the flares," according to Nancy Tower, community relations coordinator at the Lake Charles plant. "That's why we held assembly meetings at local schools, distributed information to the media, ond sent mailers out informing the community about the flare's role as a sofety and control device." Ultimately, the company decided that the only way to really address community concern was to purchase a flare tip to reduce the noise. Tower notes, "This is an example of the public outreach that we ore committed to and the dialogue that Responsible Care encourages." |
Despite the nation's commitment to a free market economic system, governmental policy substantially influences the workings of the marketplace. For example, tax levels on different products and activities lower or raise their market prices and artificially encourage or discourage their use. Some government subsidy programs encourage activities that result in economic inefficiency as well as destructive use of resources. At other times, government tax and spending subsidy programs may be essential if the short-term rewards of the marketplace do not coincide with the long-term goals of the nation. To ignore the importance of economic policy is to miss opportunities to encourage economic, environmental, and equity goals.
To improve environmental performance, the design of environmental and natural resource programs should take advantage of the positive role the marketplace can play once environmental goals and market signals are aligned. Current policies generally do not use the power of the marketplace, and at present, some environmental costs in the product chain may be shifted to society at large, rather than be fully reflected in the product price. The cost of air, soil, and water pollution associated with materials and energy used in production as well as the expense to local communities for product disposal are two examples of costs not typically included in a product price. But if these types of costs are reflected in the price of a product, the marketplace sends an important signal. All other things being equal, consumers generally will purchase the lower priced product, creating an important incentive for a company to reconsider how it makes a product. Increasing the use of market forces can create opportunities to achieve natural resource and environmental goals in the most cost-effective way possible by encouraging the innovation that flows from a competitive economic system.
Examples of market incentive strategies include greater use of systems
that allow regulated firms to buy and sell emissions reductions rather
than more traditional pollution control approaches, reform of
governmental tax and spending policies, and more comprehensive measures
of economic performance.[4]
For more than 20 years, developers, environmentalists, and local government officials in Suffolk County, New York, waged a costly and emotionally charged battle over the Pine Barrens, a 100,000-acre expanse of rare pitch pines and scrub oak forest located on Long Island. In addition to being valued natural habitat, the Pine Barrens rest atop a vast underground aquifer that provides water for the residents of Suffolk County, one of the most densely populated counties in the nation. The prolonged and intense conflict over the Pine Barrens eventually culminated in a lawsuit brought by the Long Island Pine Barrens Society. |
The Council believes a tax system should be designed to raise sufficient revenues without discouraging capital formation, job creation, environmental improvement, and social equity. Currently, the federal government raises more than $1 trillion per year, predominantly (nearly 90 percent) by taxing wages and personal and corporate income.[5] And since tax policies influence individual and institutional investment patterns and consumption decisions, the Council believes that an effective use of the tax system could be a powerful tool in meeting the challenges of sustainable development. Council members wrestled with the question of whether these challenges could be met, in part, by shifting some of the nation's taxes to activities and forms of consumption that are economically bad for society--inefficiency, waste, and pollution--and away from those that are economically good--employment, income, and savings and investment.
Ideally, a tax system that supports the recommendations of the Council would promote economic growth and jobs in a socially equitable manner, while discouraging pollution and other forms of inefficiency. The Council believes substantial progress in reaching these objectives can be made through revenue-neutral system improvements--changes that shift the ways revenues are raised without increasing overall tax obligations. In addition to revenue neutrality, tax reform efforts must be guided by the following criteria:
Although special tax, spending, and credit provisions may have been economically justified at some time in the nation's development, they may no longer be serving their original purposes and instead may have unintended side effects that run counter to national economic and environmental objectives.
In addition to recognizing the need for alignment of tax policy with the
goals of sustainable development, the Council emphasized the need to
examine the practical effects of various kinds of subsidies, some of
which are obvious and appear to conflict with the Council's goals. As
this nation moves toward a more sustainable society, the Council
believes that it is absolutely essential to scrutinize existing
subsidies and to determine their efficiency in advancing the goals of
sustainable development.
SHIFT IN TAX POLICIES Begin the long-term process of shifting to tax policies that -- without increasing overall tax burdens -- encourage employment and economic opportunity while discouraging environmentally damaging production and consumption decisions. | ACTION 1. A national commission should be
established to review the effect of federal tax and subsidy policies on
the goals of sustainable development. The commission would have two major
responsibilities. First, it should conduct an explicit assessment of
alternative tax policies and, in particular, should assess opportunities
for increased use of pollution taxes while reducing reliance on more
traditional income taxes. The commission should make recommendations to
the President and Congress on tax reform initiatives that are consistent
with the goals of economic prosperity, a healthy environment, and social
equity. Second, the commission should review all existing tax and spending subsidies to determine if there remains a national need to continue individual subsidies. The commission should recommend to the President a list of subsidies that fail to meet this test and should be phased out or rapidly eliminated. Any remaining subsidies should be made subject to a sunset or review clause that would require the appropriate government agency to ensure on a regular basis that these subsidies are not inconsistent with national sustainable development goals; otherwise they would be eliminated. |
SUBSIDY REFORM Eliminate government subsidies that encourage activities inconsistent with economic, environmental, and social goals. | Unlike the tax reform proposal above, subsidies have been the subject of analysis and debate and their likely economic, environmental, and equity effects are relatively well-known. Proposals to reform subsidies have been prevented in the past by intractable political barriers that have proven very difficult to overcome. Hence, the commission should also evaluate alternative mechanisms for addressing these political hurdles. Modifications to the U.S. Tax Code or the elimination of subsidies would result in short-term dislocations, but would provide long-term benefits for the nation as a whole. The commission should evaluate and act on remedial or preventive steps to mitigate any short-term effects. |
Decisions on energy production, distribution, and use can have important effects on the U.S. and global environment, the prices of most basic goods and services, international competitiveness, and national and economic security. Changes in technology and economic behavior offer an effective way to reduce the environmental and social burden associated with energy production and use. Cost-effective investments in energy efficiency, for example, lead to economic, environmental, and equity benefits by reducing energy costs and environmental effects. The energy sector and individual citizens can strive to improve the economic and environmental performance of energy use to enhance national competitiveness and social well-being. |
USE OF MARKET INCENTIVES Make greater use of market incentives as part of an overall environmental management system to achieve environmental and natural resource management objectives, whenever feasible. This system must provide for veriflcation, accountability, and the means to ensure that national standards are met or exceeded. |
ACTION 1. Federal and state governments should build on
existing programs to design and carry out a system that allows
the buying and selling of emissions reductions guaranteeing
permanent overall reductions. Such systems should be appropriate to
the environmental problems being addressed and local
conditions. If applied appropriately, this approach would
reduce the costs of meeting air and water quality standards
without compromising human and environmental health.
ACTION 2. The federal government should work with the private sector and nonprofit groups to identify cost-effective opportunities to reuse and recycle materials. For example, federal, state, local, and tribal governments should use such information to design procurement policies to encourage new markets for recycled materials that will create jobs. ACTION 3. States could develop incentives for energy-efficiency investments during the transition from highly regulated to more competitive electricity market forces to create a decentralized approach to investments in energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is a primary tool of sustainability because it can help achieve the interdependent objectives of improving the economy, increasing equity, and reducing environmental costs. Despite the substantial efficiency gains of the past 20 years, consumers and industry can still save energy cost-effectively by using newer technologies and improved practices. Many of the least affluent in society have not yet reaped the economic gains from energy efficiency because of lack of financial resources and access to technology. And because current patterns of energy production exact a toll on the environment, energy efficiency can directly reduce environmental effects. Over the past two decades, energy markets have become more competitive and direct governmental influence has waned. This is an evolution that has brought significant benefits for consumers and contributed to more efficient energy use. For example, the natural gas and electricity markets have moved from being completely regulated to being partially regulated with the introduction of new competitive forces. However, this transition to increased competition needs to be managed with efficiency and the environment in mind. Specifically, many analysts question whether even the best energy conservation programs currently in place will survive the transition to more competitive markets. Also unclear is the extent to which businesses will take advantage of opportunities in this area and respond with innovative approaches to replace traditional demand-side conservation programs. Energy efficiency should continue to be emphasized during the period of transition and beyond. One approach would be to replace the existing patchwork of utility-sponsored conservation programs with temporary market-based approaches. Under this concept, states would place a small fee on all electricity users. The revenue collected would be placed into an energy efficiency fund awarded to electricity suppliers that compete for the opportunity to install cost-effective energy-saving equipment at a partially defrayed cost. The competition for projects would largely replace traditional bureaucratic programs with an active market in energy efficiency. It is clear that residential, commercial, and small manufacturing customers, for example, that do not already engage in extensive demand-side conservation efforts would benefit from programs of this type. However, many large facilities that may be subject to global competition already make significant investments in energy efficiency as a business mainstay. In these cases, incentive programs involving surcharges may not be warranted. ACTION 4. Congress should enact legislation to remove provisions in current laws prohibiting state and local governments from developing market-based transportation management strategies that more fully reflect travel costs. The U.S. Department of Transportation should encourage states and manufacturers to work together to standardize technology specifications to enable communities interested in doing so to adopt common standards for electronic road and parking pricing technologies. States and localities that choose to use these market tools should apply the revenues to offset cuts in nontransportation taxes and to enhance the public transit and transportation systems, maintenance, and services. The revenues should also help finance toll discounts, exemptions, and/or rebates for low-income commuters who need to use the roads to travel to jobs during times of the day when tolls are collected. All levels of government should consider offering funding bonuses to areas that implement road user fees more fully. Bonuses should be available to states or regions that achieve measurable improvements in reducing transportation-related pollution, energy consumption, or vehicle miles traveled. |
Two related reforms are now in order to help shift the focus from the narrow goal of environmental protection to the broader goal of sustainable development. The first reform is to move from a federally focused governmental decision-making structure to a collaborative design that shares responsibility among levels of government. The second reform is to shift the focus from centralized environmental regulation organized around separate programs to protect air, water, and land to a comprehensive place-based approach. It should be designed to integrate economic, environmental, and social policies to meet the needs and aspirations of localities while protecting national interests.
To accomplish these reforms, the new system will need to rely heavily on partnerships among federal, regional, state, local, and tribal levels of government. These partnerships will require unprecedented cooperation and communication within and among levels of government in a geographic area. For example, carrying out a community-designed sustainable development strategy may depend on close collaboration by a local economic development agency, a regional transportation authority, a state housing department, and a federal environmental agency.
This shift in focus to place-based partnerships will require major changes in the roles and responsibilities of federal and state regulatory agencies in communities interested in accepting new local responsibilities. The agencies should help build local decision-making capacity so that communities can begin to develop integrated economic, environmental, and social equity strategies themselves. Rather than simply issuing regulations from afar, these agencies will need to work in communities and provide information and technical assistance.
Along with the devolution of responsibilities to states and localities, however, some traditional responsibilities must be preserved. For example, the federal government must continue to establish consistent national standards to ensure uniform levels of protection across state lines. Greater flexibility is needed - not in the standards themselves, but to encourage greater efficiency in determining the means to attain such standards. In addition, in the development and implementation of place-based strategies, federal agencies must continue to represent and protect national interests that may not be represented by local interests in all cases. Examples include controlling transboundary pollution and protecting biodiversity.
PARTNERSHIPS Create intergovernmental partnerships to pursue economic prosperity, environmental protection, and social equity in an integrated way. |
ACTION 1. Federal agencies should develop
effective partnerships with state governments to
administer environmental regulatory programs. These
partnerships should eliminate duplicative activities and greatly
reduce federal oversight of state programs that have a proven
track record. Savings from eliminating duplication and unnecessary
oversight should be dedicated to cover some of the increased public
sector costs associated with regulatory flexibility and place-based
partnerships. States should also share in the increased flexibility when
using federal grant monies, conditioned on performance-based measures of
environmental results agreed upon by federal and state agencies.
ACTION 2. Federal and state agencies should enter into partnerships with communities that wish to develop and carry out sustainable development strategies designed to address local circumstances. ACTION 3. Federal agencies should work with national associations representing regional, state, local, and tribal governments to create model guidance that could be issued to government employees to encourage cooperation and communication among and within government agencies in geographic areas where place-based sustainable development strategies are being developed. |
The U.S. transportation system plays a critical role in the everyday lives of millions of Americans. Access to affordable transportation is necessary for people to work, recreate, and purchase goods. Transportation choices, land use patterns, community design, and pollution are inherently linked. Further, transportation affects national and economic security as it increasingly accounts for the largest share of oil consumed in the United States - two-thirds in 1994.[7] The nation can aspire to improve the economic and environmental performance of the U.S. transportation system while increasing all Americans' access to jobs, markets, services, and recreation. |
[2] The Common Sense Initiative and Project XL are outlined in
"Regulatory Reinvention (XL) Pilot Projects," Federal Register 60,
no. 99 (May 1995): 27282; and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Communications, Education, and Public Affairs, "Project XL:
Innovative Projects in Environmental Excellence and Leadership," press
release (Washington, D.C., 3 November 1995).
[3] Yvon Chouinard, "Patagonia: The Next Hundred Years," in
Michael Katakis, ed.,
[4] For example, in the 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act,
Congress authorized the trading of sulfur dioxide emission allowances.
See Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Pub. L. 101-549, 104 Stat. 2399.
[5] U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the
United States 1994 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office,
1994), p. 330, table 504; and p. 331, table 505.
[6] U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, "Industry,
Technology, and the Environment: Competitive Challenges and Business
Opportunities" (Washington, D.C., 1994), p. 190.
[7] U.S. Department of Commerce, The Effect of Imports of
Crude Oil and Refined Petroleum Products on the National Security
(Washington, D.C., 1994), p. ES-4.