CDC Prevention Goals
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Goal #4 To prevent or reduce behaviors or practices that place individuals at risk of HIV infection, and for HIV positive individuals, place others at risk.
  1. At least 90 percent of individuals with known HIV infection will be abstinent or will have used a condom at last sexual intercourse, and at least 50 percent of individuals who have engaged in high-risk sexual behaviors within the past 12 months will be abstinent, in a mutually monogamous relationship, or have used a condom at last sexual intercourse.
  2. At least 75 percent of injecting drug users will have stopped injecting drugs or used sterile or decontaminated injection equipment at last injection.
  3. At least 80 percent of the health care and public safety workplaces will implement programs and procedures for preventing HIV transmission at work sites.
  4. Reduce unintended pregnancies to no more than 40 percent of pregnancies among women with or at risk for HIV infection.
  5. The number of individuals donating blood and found to be infected with HIV at the time of donation will decrease by 50 percent through self-deferral.
  6. Among selected populations of youth in high-risk situations, increase by 10 percent the proportion who report they used a condom at last sexual intercourse.
Action Steps
  1. Collaborate with prevention partners to assess risk behaviors and practices in selected communities.
  2. Monitor progress toward objectives.
  3. Identify barriers to implementation of HIV prevention programs at community, state, and national levels.
  4. Collaborate with selected communities in developing and implementing a model behavioral intervention program that comprehensively addresses community needs and uses available community resources and prevention partners in selected sites.
  5. Design, develop, and test effective community-level interventions to change risk behaviors through altering community norms and values to support healthy behaviors.
  6. Expand the community's capacity to plan, implement, and evaluate culturally competent and linguistically specific HIV prevention guidelines and programs tailored to the needs of specific populations.
  7. Enhance the capacity of CDC staff to plan, administer, and evaluate behavioral change strategies and community-based interventions to provide public health leadership and assist our prevention partners in designing and managing effective strategies for HIV prevention programs.
  8. Enhance the capacity of local health departments and other relevant community agencies to collaboratively provide effective HIV education for youth in high-risk situations.
  9. Establish scientifically-based evaluation components for HIV prevention activities.
  10. Use evaluation of components to design or refine HIV prevention programs and/or redirect HIV prevention resources.

Several mechanisms are employed for achieving the goals and objectives cited above. These include cooperative agreements with State and local health departments, in addition to direct funding of community-based organizations, national organizations, and national minority organizations. HIV intervention research studies are also supported.

$ 186 million
$ 184 million
$ 204 million

All major racial and ethnic groups in addition to persons engaging in behaviors that place them at risk for acquiring HIV.


A major avenue for constituency involvement is the HIV Prevention Community Planning Process. Through this mechanism, State and local health departments form community planning groups to assist in developing HIV prevention plans. In addition, there is regular and extensive consultation with representatives from state and local health departments, community planning groups, and national organizations.



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