I believe OMB continues to serve this Administration and the
American people extremely well.
Mr. Chairman, that concludes my statement. I would be happy to answer any
Laws that have increased OMB workload since
- Government Performance and Results Act (PL 103-62)
- Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (PL 103-355)
- Government Management and Reform Act (PL 103-356)
- Evaluation of DC report (PL 103-373)
- Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (PL 104-4)
- Paperwork Reduction Act (PL 104-13)
- Federal Acquisition Reform Act (PL 104-106, Division D)
- Information Technology Management Reform Act (Div. E, PL
- Regulatory Flexibility Act Amendments (Title II D, PL 104-121)
- Congressional Review of Agency Rulemaking (Title II E, PL
- National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (PL 104-113)
- Single Audit Amendment Act (PL 104-156)
- Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (Title VIII, PL
- Fiscal Year FY 1998 Defense Authorization Act (PL 105-85)
- Government Paperwork Elimination Act (Title XVII, PL 105-277)
- Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (PL 105-270)
- Submission of an Accounting Statement and Report to Congress on the
Costs and Benefits of
Federal Rules and Paperwork Treasury/General Government (PL 106-58)
- Counterterrorism & Antiterrorism (PL 105-85, Sec. 1051)
- A report on total Federal expenditure of all official international
travel during the previous
fiscal year (Omnibus Consolidated & Emergency Supplemental
Appropriations Act)
- A report providing a final accounting of the finances and operations
of international agencies
abolished under Division G of the Act (Omnibus Consolidated & Emergency
Appropriations Act)
- Grants Management Simplification Act (PL 106-107)
- Submission to Congress of an inventory of Federal grant programs
Government Appropriations, PL 106-58)
- An accounting of climate change programs in the FY 2001 Budget
Appropriation Act, PL 106-113)
- Designation of OMB to Chair the National Commission on Use of Offsets
in Defense Trade,
and submit a report to Congress (Section 1247(d) of FY 2000-01 Foreign
Authorization Act; PL 106-113)
1. The RMOs are National Security and International
Affairs; General Government and Finance;
Natural Resources, Energy and Science; Health/Personnel; and Education,
Income, Maintenance
and Labor.
2. The statutory offices are the Office of Federal
Financial Management, Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, and Office of Federal Procurement Policy.
3. The OMB-wide offices are Administration, Budget
Review, Communications, Economic
Policy, General Counsel, Legislative Affairs, and Legislative Reference.