Previous Congressional Sessions || Appropriations Bills Only || Appropriations by Subcommittee
House Bills
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HR6 | Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Act of 2000 | 02/08/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR6 | Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Act of 2000 | 02/10/2000 | HOUSE |
HR7 | Education Savings and School Excellence Act of 2000 | 03/29/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR8 | Death Tax Elimination Act of 2000 | 06/07/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR8 | Death Tax Elimination Act of 2000 | 06/08/2000 | HOUSE |
HR701 | Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999 | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR701 | Conservation and Reinvestment Act of 1999 | 05/10/2000 | HOUSE |
HR853 | Comprehensive Budget Process Reform Act of 2000 | 05/10/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR853 | Comprehensive Budget Process Reform Act of 2000 | 05/16/2000 | HOUSE |
HR1291 | Internet Access Charge Prohibition Act | 05/16/2000 | HOUSE |
HR1776 | American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 | 04/06/2000 | HOUSE |
HR1827 | Government Waste Corrections Act of 2000 | 03/08/2000 | HOUSE |
HR1838 | Taiwan Security Enhancement Act of 1999 | 01/31/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR1838 | Taiwan Security Enhancement Act of 1999 | 02/01/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2005 | Workplace Goods Job Growth and Competitiveness Act of 1999 | 02/01/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2005 | Workplace Goods Job Growth and Competitiveness Act of 1999 | 02/02/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2086 | Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act | 02/15/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2328 | Clean Lakes Program Reauthorization | 04/12/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2366 | Small Business Liability Reform Act of 2000 | 02/14/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2372 | Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2000 | 03/15/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2418 | Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Amendments of 2000 | 04/03/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2418 | Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Amendments of 2000 | 04/04/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2498 | Cardiac Arrest Survival Act | 05/23/2000 | HOUSE |
HR2647 | Ak-Chin Water Use Amendments Act | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3048 | Presidential Threat Protection Act of 2000 | 06/26/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3081 | Wage and Employment Growth Act of 1999 | 03/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3244 | Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3439 | Radio Broadcasting Preservation Act | 04/12/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3439 | Radio Broadcasting Preservation Act | 04/13/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3519 | World Bank AIDS Marshall Plan Trust Fund Act | 05/15/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3582 | Federal Contractor Flexibility Act of 2000 | 05/02/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3616 | Impact Aid Reauthorization Act of 2000 | 05/15/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3629 | American Indian Tribal Colleges and Universities Improvements | 05/02/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3660 | Partial-Birth Abortion Act of 2000 | 04/03/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3660 | Partial-Birth Abortion Act of 2000 | 04/05/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3671 | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Improvement Act of 2000 | 04/05/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3709 | Internet Nondiscrimination Act | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3709 | Internet Nondiscrimination Act | 05/10/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3767 | Visa Waiver Permanent Program Act | 04/11/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3822 | Oil Price Reduction Act of 2000 | 03/22/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3832 | Small Business Tax Fairness Act | 03/08/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3833 | Minimum Wage Increase | 03/08/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3845 | Small Business Investment Corrections Act of 2000 | 03/14/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3846 | Bill to Increase the Minimum Wage | 03/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3908 | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 2000 | 03/28/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3908 | Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY 2000 | 03/29/2000 | HOUSE |
HR3916 | A Bill to Repeal the Excise Tax on Telephone and Other Communication Services | 05/23/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3916 | A Bill to Repeal the Excise Tax on Telephone and Other Communication Services | 05/25/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4040 | Long-Term Care Security Act | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4067 | Business Checking Modernization Act | 04/11/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4163 | Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2000 | 04/11/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4199 | Date Certain Tax Code Replacement Act | 04/13/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4205 | Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorizations Act for FY 2001 | 05/17/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4365 | Children's Health Act of 2000 | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4386 | Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Act | 05/09/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4408 | Reauthorization of the Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act | 06/26/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4425 | Military Construction Appropriations, FY 2001 | 05/15/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4425 | Military Construction Appropriations, FY 2001 | 05/16/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4461 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 05/24/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4461 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/29/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4475 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 05/19/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4489 | Immigration and Naturalization Service Data Management Improvement Act 2000 | 05/23/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4504 | Higher Education Technical Amendments of 2000 | 06/12/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4576 | Defense Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/06/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4576 | Defense Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/07/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4577 | Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/06/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4577 | Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/07/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4578 | Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/09/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4578 | Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/14/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4601 | Debt Reduction Reconciliation Act of 2000 | 06/13/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4635 | VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/13/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4635 | VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/19/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4680 | Medicare Rx 2000 Act | 06/28/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4690 | Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/20/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4690 | Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/22/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4718 | Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act Extension | 06/26/2000 | HOUSE |
HR4733 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/26/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4733 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/27/2000 | HOUSE |
House Joint Resolutions
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HJR90 | Withdrawing Support for the WTO Agreement | 06/20/2000 | HOUSE |
HJR94 | Constitutional Amendment Requiring Two-Thirds Votes on Certain Tax Measures | 04/11/2000 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HJR94 | Constitutional Amendment Requiring Two-Thirds Votes on Certain Tax Measures | 04/12/2000 | HOUSE |
Senate Bills
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
S2 | Educational Opportunities Act | 05/01/2000 | SENATE |
S430 | Kake Tribal Corporation Land Exchange Act | 05/22/2000 | HOUSE |
S1052 | Northern Mariana Islands Covenant Implementation Act | 02/07/2000 | SENATE |
S1134 | Affordable Education Act | 02/24/2000 | SENATE |
S1287 | Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2000 | 02/08/2000 | SENATE |
S1402 | All-Volunteer Force Educational Assistance Programs Improvements Act | 05/23/2000 | HOUSE |
S1993 | Government Information Security Act of 2000 | 05/10/2000 | SENATE |
S2251 | Risk Management for the 21st Century Act | 03/22/2000 | SENATE |
S2323 | Worker Economic Opportunity Act | 04/12/2000 | SENATE |
S2346 | Marriage Tax Relief Act of 2000 | 04/11/2000 | SENATE |
S2521 | Military Construction Appropriations, FY 2001 | 05/16/2000 | SENATE |
S2522 | Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/20/2000 | SENATE |
S2549 | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 | 06/06/2000 | SENATE |
S2553 | Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2001 | 06/22/2000 | SENATE |
S2593 | Defense Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/08/2000 | SENATE |
S2720 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 2001 | 06/14/2000 | SENATE |
Senate Joint Resolutions
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
SJR14 | Constitutional Amendment on Physical Desecration of the Flag | 03/27/2000 | SENATE |