Where are the Attachments to A-102?
Where is the Grants Management Common Rule?

On March 12, 1987, the President directed the Federal grantmaking agencies to issue a grants management common rule to adopt governmentwide terms and conditions for grants to States and local governments. In 1988, OMB revised Circular A-102 to include guidance to Federal agencies on matters not covered by the grants management common rule. The attachments to Circular A-102 were replaced by the grants management common rule.

OMB maintains a chart which includes the locations of Federal agency codifications of the grants management common rule. It is important for a grantee to review the regulations of their Federal awarding agency. Therefore, the generic text of the common rule is not provided on this site. Please refer to the chart above to locate the codified common rule for a particular Federal agency.

If you as a applicant or grantee are asked to comply with attachments to Circular A-102, please consult with the grantmaking agency regarding the requirements and inform them that their documentation needs to be updated.

Where are the Attachments to A-110?

Prior to 1993, Circular A-110 contained attachments for each of the administrative requirements it covered. In 1993, Circular A-110 was revised to locate all the administrative requirements into the text of the main document. There are no longer any attachments to Circular A-110. Please return to the Grants Management Home Page to download the text of Circular A-110.

If you as a applicant or grantee are asked to comply with attachments to Circular A-110, please consult with the grantmaking agency regarding the requirements and inform them that their documentation needs to be updated.

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