This Handbook explains how you can obtain OMB information.
OMB Circulars. These are instructions or information issued by OMB to Federal agencies that is expected to have a continuing effect of two years or more. The Circulars are presented by numerical sequence as well as by major category.Selected OMB Bulletins. These bulletins provide guidance to Federal agencies of a more transitory nature that would normally expire after one or two years.
Selected OMB Memoranda. A memorandum to heads of executive departments and establishments is used to announce new policy or to remind agencies of existing policies.
Regulations and Paperwork under OMB review. This report is updated daily and lists regulation reviews and paperwork reviews currently pending at OMB or that were completed in the last 30 days. These regulation and paperwork reviews are done under the Executive Order 12866, "Regulatory Planning and Review" and the "Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995" (44 U.S.C. 3502 et seq.).
Financial Management policies and Grants Management circulars and related documents.
Federal Register submissions are copies of proposed and final rules OMB has submitted to the Federal Register.
OMB Testimony.
Statements of Administration Policy on Non-Appropriations and Appropriation Bills.
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Room 2200
Washington, DC 20503
(202) 395-7332