Appreciating Differences Among People and Things Project
Appreciating Differences Among People and Things Project in St. Cloud, MN, provides leadership to individuals, organizations and agencies which encourages them to implement programs that promote diversity.
Bicultural Training Partnership
A partnership created to build the capacity and strength of Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations, which assist many new residents to adjust and contribute to life in the United States
Bridges Across Racial Polarization
A St. Louis, MO organization that sponsors programs to encourage cross-racial relationships
Bridging Difference, YWCA of Wausau
A project coordinated by the YWCA of Wausau to increase awareness and understanding between different cultural and ethnic groups, and to eliminate fear and misunderstanding through workshops, public forums and art
Building Bridges Conference
A conference led by graduate students at the University of South Dakota which addresses issues related to Native Americans in higher education
Building Just Communities: Reducing Disparities and Racial Segregation
An organization began in 1996 to reverse the growing trend of poverty and racial segregation in the Minneapolis/ St Paul metropolitan area
Can't We All Just Get Along?
A Lima, OH program that encourages dialogue among individuals so they can explore racism in their daily lives
Citizens Upholding Racial Equality
The Freemont, Ohio-based organizations was created in October 1996 by the First Presbyterian Church in Freemont to discuss racial issues in the city
Cleveland Residential Housing and Mortgage Credit Project
A Cleveland, OH area effort to bring local bankers, mainstream and minority realtors, appraisers, insurers, and others involved in
the home mortgage market area together to reduce barriers to
racially equitable home ownership
Coming Together Project
An Akron, OH effort that brings more than 200 organizations together to operate various programs -- including workshops, an annual "Race/Walk,"" public forums, and a speakers bureau -- to improve race relations
Community Circles on Schools, Housing and Race
A project founded to advance public understanding of the growing economic and racial segregation and disparities in the Twin Cities metropolitan area and to develop constructive community responses to these challenges
Community Diversity Appreciation Teams
The Columbia, Iowa-based program was founded in 1994 by the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to develop community-wide plans to fight discrimination and teach the value of diversity
Community Enhancement Program
A Flint, MI program that uses public forums to engage members of the community in dialogues on race
CommUNITY Pride
The E. Jackson, Ohio-based organization was formed by local citizens in 1994 to recognize and strengthen the abilities of the citizens of the Appalachian Ohio communities
CommUnity-St. Louis
A St. Louis, MO intervention program that focuses on decreasing racial polarization and institutional racism
CommUNITY: Different People...Common Ground
A Cincinnati, OH program that uses dialogue to bring people together to promote understanding and solve community problems
Conversations on Race
Conversations on Race, in South Bend, IN, works to create a racially and culturally sensitive environment through dialogue.
Cultural Diversity in Education Program
A cooperative project created to develop pedagogies, curricula, policies and support services, which include culturally diverse and minority students and foster intercultural awareness and understanding among all students
Cultural Diversity Reading Program
A Columbus, OH program that uses a reading list featuring racially diverse authors to educate college students
Cultural Diversity Resources
Cultural Diversity Resources focuses on programs that improve racial understanding between both "new" and "old" Minnesota and North Dakota immigrants
Culturally Competent Health and Human Services
A program that provides mental health, social, educational and skills-learning programs to a diverse community
Diversity and Racial Equity Summit Meetings and Roundtables
Diversity and Racial Equity Roundtables in Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois which actively address issues focusing on the media, conflict resolution and education
DuPage Media and Community Network
A Wheaton, IL effort that brings religious and media leaders together to review, discuss and improve the representation of people of color in the media
Gallery 37
Gallery 37 attempts to address concerns within the local community and national industry with regards to the job skills of youth entering the work place and the defacto segregation in the elementary and secondary public school systems.
Grow Your Own, Ohio Projects for a Diversified Teaching Force
An Ohio Department of Education program to increase diversity in the teaching workforce by means of a long-term mentoring relationship with students who possess college potential through early exposure to the university environment
Help Increase the Peace Project
Project The Kansas City, Mo.-based project was developed in 1990 by the American Friends Service Committee staff in Syracuse, New York, to address violence in schools
Human Relations Council, McHenry County
The Illinois-based council began in October 1995 in response to the growing diversity of the county's population
Human Relations Foundation of Chicago
A Chicago, IL foundation that works to reduce racial and religious tensions and eradicate racism in the city
Illinois Ethnic Coalition
The Chicago-based coalition was created in 1971 to bring together Chicago's white ethnic, African American, Asian and Latino communities to work together on projects of common concern
Indian Education Office-Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning
A St. Paul, MN office that provides citizens with accurate information about tribes in the state
Indians Into Medicine
A program administered through the University of North Dakota School of Medicine that assists American Indian students in preparing for health care service to American Indian populations
Interactive Multicultural Awareness Program on Race
A portion of a two-part series of interactive computer programs created to teach about racism, injustice and ways to combat racism through community involvement
Joplin Globe Diversity Committee
A Joplin, MO-based committee that monitors the handling of diversity-related issues in the local newspaper and in the community at large
Kansas City Church Community Organization
An interfaith federation of congregations organized in response to the rapid racial transition and financial disinvestment experienced by Kansas City's southeast neighborhoods to improve the quality of life
Leader Support Groups
A St. Louis, Missouri project that brings grassroots leaders together across racial lines to build a network of support and alliance
Lt. Governor's Committee on Diversity
The Dubuque-based committee provides information, resources and support to communities throughout the state of Iowa so they can combat prejudice and racism
Marathon County Diversity Management Education Program
The Wisconsin-based program educates county government employees on the value of diversity
Men Against Destruction - Defending Against Drugs and Social Disorder Inc.
The Omaha-based organization was founded in 1989 to address the well-being of young people in the community
MillenniuM Service Project
MillenniuM Service Project, in St.Paul, MN, works to eradicate poverty, unemployment, poor health care, crime and racial discrimination through a wide variety of projects.
Minnesota Churches Anti-Racism Initiative of the Greater Minneapolis and Saint Paul Area Councils of Churches
A Minneapolis, MN based effort that engages local chuches in dialogue and training opportunities to combat individual and institutional racism
Minnesota Independent School Forum Diversity Project
A project committed to serve people of color within the state by providing the resources, information, motivation and guidance to schools
Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee on the Media
The Chicago-based committee serves as a resource for all of the Chicago metropolitan area's print and electronic media on issues of race, ethnicity and religion
Multicultural Task Force
A St. Cloud, MN task force of citizens who are working to ensure that the needs of every member of the community are heard
Multicultural Youth Project
A Chicago, Illinois program that promotes multiethnic understanding among Chicago's immigrant and refugee youth
National Youth Leadership Mission to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
A Chicago, IL-based program that teaches young people how to fight bigotry and discrimination
Neighborhood Development Center
A program that works with four racial and ethnic communities to help emerging entrepreneurs develop successful businesses that serve the community and build a stronger economy
People Reaching Out for Unity and Diversity (PROUD)
An ad hoc committee that schedules events focusing on cultural diversity and interracial understanding
Piya Wiconi Project
A Vermillion, SD, project funded by the Kellogg foundation and created to increase the number of Native American nurses serving rural areas and reservations
Program on Intergroup Relations, Conflict, and Community
A University of Michigan effort involving classes, dialogue sessions, work shops and training programs to promote constructive
cross-racial dialogue and interaction between students
Project Common Ground
A program designed to promote understanding and interaction among students of diverse backgrounds, while increasing their academic skills
Project Respect
Project Respect, White Bear Lake, MN, provides a forum for discussion and education on race related issues for community building.
Putting Race Unity Into Practice
An Evanston, IL program that sponsors forums for high schools to discuss race in their institutions
A mentoring program for young black professionals
Saginaw Kids All-City Choir
Saginaw Kids All-City Choir, in Saginaw, MI, uses music to facilitate racial reconciliation and education within the community.
Southern Indiana Study Circles on Race Relations
Southern Indiana Study Circles on Race Relations in Jeffersonville, IN, builds understanding through dialogue and cooperative effort
Task Force on Racism
A Chicago, IL task force that examines racism within the Archdiocese of Chicago
United We Learn Social Action Theater, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
A social action theater created to educate a predominantly white campus community about racial diversity
University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC): A Comprehensive Diversity Initiative
A University of Kansas Medical Center initiative designed to address diversity issues from a personal, professional and organizational perspective
Urban Coalition, Community Information Clearinghouse
A St. Paul, MN-based organization that provides people with data and research about their communities
US and THEM: The Challenge of Diversity
A Detroit, MI program that helps people appreciate the dynamics common to prejudice and conflict