About the Initiative

The scientific consensus is clear that (1) greenhouse gases are rapidly building up in the atmosphere as a result of human actions; (2) that these increased concentrations will change our climate; and (3) that these changes could have serious adverse and disruptive consequences. Even those who would question whether climate change is already occurring recognize the truth of this fundamental proposition.

President Clinton is committed to taking responsible action to confront the threat that climate change poses. The United States will support international agreements that establish realistic commitments and that require participation by all countries -- industrial and developing. At home, we support flexible, market-based policies based on the principle that vigorous economic growth and environmental protection must go hand in hand. It is up to us not only to prepare our children for the world of the 21st century, but to protect that world for them.

The Need for Action

Why Climate Change is on the Agenda Now

The Administration's Approach

Working for a Cleaner Future

Administration Outreach and Schedule of Upcoming Events

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