I am a senior at Syracuse University and have been very involved in
many diversity programs in my three years here. I have worked with many
organizations and committees across campus to help in the education of
not only tolerance but acceptance.
Last September I helped to chair and organize a rally about diversity
and community and the detrimental effects of hate speech. We called it
"Planting the Seeds: A Speak Out Against Hate." Many student
organizations, university offices, and over 400 students came together
to speak or listen about the ideals of community and diversity and what
people can do as individuals. Although the event was prompted by the
presence of Dr. Khalid Muhammad on our campus, the speak out retained a
pro-active and positive tone. Organizations that sponsored the event
include Hillel, Jewish Student Union, Pride Union (Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual Students), Office of Multicultural Affairs, Office of African
American Programs at Hendricks Chapel, Muslim Ministry, Lutheran
Ministry, Alibrandi Catholic Centre, Interdenominational Protestant
Ministry, Residence Hall Association, and Office of Residence Life.
I would be interested in hearing what others have done on their
university campuses or in their towns to promote racial harmony.
Keep up the great work that this program has started.