March 13, 1998

Dear Friend:

Our nation was founded on the principle that we are all created equal. We haven't always lived up to that ideal, but it has guided our way for more than two centuries. As we enter the 21st century, we know that one of the greatest challenges we still face is learning how we can come together as One America.

Over the coming decades, our country's ethnic and racial diversity will continue to expand dramatically. Will those differences divide us, or will they be our greatest strength? The answer depends upon what we are willing to do together. While we confront our differences in honest dialogue, we must also talk about the common dreams and the values we share. We must fight discrimination in our communities and in our hearts. And we must close the opportunity gaps that deprive too many Americans of the chance to realize their full potential.

I hope that you find the information contained in this kit helpful for conducting dialogues in your neighborhoods, your schools, and your places of worship. Your views and ideas are very important to me, and I urge you to help me continue the national dialogue on race by taking a leadership role in your community. Together, we can build a stronger America for the 21st century.

Thank you for helping us to meet this most important challenge.



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