In 1993, Brattleboro artist and activist, Naima K. Wade and her daughter, Taina Rodriguez, established ALANA (the African, Latino, Asian, Native and American) organization to dispel the growing racial tension in the local high school district. ALANA's primary objective is to encourage people to become more sensitive of issues that affect communities of color. Overall, the coalition efforts by ALANA increase communication channels between various racial and ethnic groups in the Brattleboro area.
ALANA operates five programs: the HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention Project, a program that assesses the need for HIV education in southern Vermont's communities of color; the BODY and SOUL Women's Health, Education, and Economic Development Program, which is designed to improve the health, economic, spiritual and social well-being of women; AWARE: A Multi-Cultural Youth Peer Education Program that provides school children with a culturally sensitive curriculum; the CAN-DO Youth Empowerment and Leadership Project, a program that works with young people to help them understand the root causes of discrimination; and FIT: A Project for Families in Transition, a coalition of several community organizations that work together to combat racism. ALANA's program curriculum emphasizes the use of artistic talents as a way to express cultural values. Program organizers believe that individuals need to value cultural differences and work effectively toward concrete social policies that enhance the well-being of all community members.
Outcomes and Significant Accomplishments ALANA is recognized for writing the first minority women's health curriculum for Vermont. Also, ALANA's outreach to community youth helped increase knowledge and understanding among various racial and ethnic groups that previously felt isolated.