April 22, 2000
In his Earth Day radio address, President Clinton today announced a new
Executive Order directing agencies to offer incentives to federal workers
to increase the use of public transport. This effort is designed to reduce
the contribution federal employees make to traffic congestion and air
pollution and to expand their commuting alternatives.
Providing Federal Workers Mass Transit Incentives in the National Capital Region. The President's new Executive Order on mass transit requires all federal agencies in the National Capital Region, which includes the District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George's, and Frederick Counties in Maryland; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties in Virginia, to help subsidize public transportation costs for their workers. This measure will cut greenhouse gas emissions and other forms of pollution, help reduce road congestion and expand workers' commuting alternatives. The Department of Transportation estimates that 75,000-100,000 additional Federal employees would take advantage of the transit/vanpool benefits, reducing annual vehicle miles of travel in the region by 40 million-54 million and reducing air pollution costs by $70 million-$95 million. The new transportation benefit that goes into effect by October 1, 2000 will:
Expanding the Mass Transit Incentive Nationwide. The President's new Executive Order encouraging the use of mass transit will provide two additional means for expanding this incentive to Federal employees outside the National Capitol Area. These incentives will also go into effect by October 1, 2000.