Protecting All Communities From Toxic Pollution

On August 28, 1996 in Kalamazoo, Michigan, President Clinton announced a new national commitment to protect communities from toxic pollution by the year 2000 -- accelerating toxic waste cleanup, expanding families' right-to-know about toxic pollution in their neighborhoods, getting tougher on criminal polluters and better protecting drinking water.

  • Accelerating Superfund Toxic Waste Cleanup in our Communities, nearly doubling the pace of cleanup, so that in 2000 approximately two-thirds of the priority sites will be cleaned.

  • Expanding Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative, to promote the cleanup and reuse of contaminated industrial and commercial facilities.

  • Getting Tough on Criminal Polluters, to strengthen penalties for the worst environmental criminals and ensure that courts can secure polluters' assets in order to restore the communities they victimize.

  • Expanding Americans' Right-to-Know About Toxics in Their Community, so that people can get more information about toxic threats to their families.

  • Making Water Safe and Clean for All Americans, by better protecting drinking water sources, reducing toxics in the Great Lakes and making polluters pay to clean up their dirty water pollution.

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