Today, President Clinton visits the Chobe (CHOH-bay) National Game Park in
Kasane (ka-SAH-nay), Botswana. Chobe National Park, established two years
after Botswana's independence in 1966, extends over 11,000 square
kilometers (4,297 square miles) and contains the most diverse wildlife in
the country. The Chobe River provides a year-round water supply for one of
Africa's healthiest herds of elephant. The Government of Botswana is
attempting to balance the needs of its citizens in Chobe District and a
massive elephant population. The burgeoning herd at Chobe, numbering
approximately 25,000, has devastated large tracts of land and increasingly
finds itself at odds with local communities dependent on natural resources
that are being destroyed by pachyderms.
The Chobe River channel also serves as the border between northern Botswana
and Namibia's Caprivi (ka-PREE-vee) Strip. The town of Kasane, at the
confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi Rivers, marks the converging boundaries
of four countries --Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Kasane is the
administrative center of Chobe District and the gateway to Chobe National